Here I am with the King’s List in the British Museum! In the picture 𓏏𓅱𓏏, I’m pointing to where Hatshepsut’s 𓇳𓁦𓂓 name 𓂋𓈖 should be because she was one of the pharaohs left off the list – she was left off because she was considered to be a non-legitimate pharaoh.

The point of the King Lists was not to preserve history for future generations, rather the main objective was to glorify the gods 𓊹𓊹𓊹, and as we know, pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏥 were considered gods 𓊹𓊹𓊹 on Earth. These lists allowed Seti I 𓇳𓁦𓏠 and Rameses II 𓁩𓁛𓈘𓄟𓋴𓇓 to assert their legitimacy amongst the old pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏥 of Egypt 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖.

Let’s read some hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪! We are going to look at the Throne Name cartouches of the 18th Dynasty pharaohs to show where Hatshepsut’s 𓇳𓁦𓂓 name is missing! We will start reading from the right since the hieroglyphs point in that direction!
𓇳𓉻𓆣𓂓 – Thutmosis I “Great is the manifestation of the soul of Ra”
𓇳𓉻𓆣𓈖 – Thutmosis II “Great is the manifestation of Ra”
𓇳𓏠𓆣 – Tutmosis III “Lasting is the Manifestation of Ra”
𓇳𓉻𓆣𓈖 – Amenhotep II “Great is the manifestation of Ra”
𓇳𓏠𓆣𓏼 – Thutmosis IV “Lasting are the Manifestations of Ra”
𓇳𓁧𓎠 – Amenhotep III “Possessor of the Truth of Ra”
As you can see, the cartouches jump right from Thutmosis II 𓇳𓉻𓆣𓈖 to Thutmosis III 𓇳𓏠𓆣 and totally skip Hatshepsut 𓇳𓁦𓂓!
This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.
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