Come on a trip to Barnes & Noble with me (one of my favorite places) to look for Ancient Egypt books!
I always head to the ancient Egypt 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 books section and the Star Wars section when I go book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 shopping!
I was so surprised to see the hieroglyphs book at Barnes & Noble because I have never seen it there before 𓊹𓌃𓏪! That book is always my number one recommendation for people that want to learn to read hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪! I also went to my other favorite section – the Star Wars section! I love reading Star Wars books and I am a huge fan!
This book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 on Hatshepsut 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓎹𓏏𓄂𓏏𓀼𓏪 is one of my absolute favorites that I have in my collection! My Nonno brought it for me in 2006 when we went to the “Hatshepsut From Queen to Pharaoh” exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art! The book not only details the exhibition, but gives a lot of information about Hatshepsut 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓎹𓏏𓄂𓏏𓀼𓏪!
The MET has a beautiful 𓄤 collection of artifacts from Hatshepsut’s 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓎹𓏏𓄂𓏏𓀼𓏪 reign, and this book does an incredible job of highlighting these important objects.
While the book is out of print, you can get it used online or you can get it as a PDF from the Metropolitan Museum of Arts Publications website! The MET has a great program that provides free PDFs for their out of print books! I have gotten amazing books through their program – you should check it out!
I hope you enjoy and love this book as much as I do!
Here are my recommendations of hieroglyphic dictionaries to get you started on your journey to reading hieroglyphs! Like with learning any language, getting a good dictionary to help you learn is going to be vital! I love all my dictionaries that I share in this video, and I hope you can all enjoy them too! I started to teach myself ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs starting at the age of six and I’ve been reading them for over 25 years now! I love teaching people how they can learn too – if I can do it, anyone can! This is not an ad – I brought all of these books myself and these are my honest opinions. You can check out my “Recommendations” highlight for links to the books! Follow me to learn all about ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs, Egyptian mythology, art, culture and more! This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt#hieroglyphics#languagelearning#ancientegyptianlanguage#hieroglyphs#letsreadsomehieroglyphs#bookrecommendations#ancientegyptblog#egyptology
Hi 𓉔𓇌𓀁 everyone! I’m back with another book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 recommendation! These are four 𓏽 hieroglyphic 𓊹𓌃𓏪 dictionaries that I really like and use all the time! I would definitely recommend these dictionaries if you’re studying hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪!
The two 𓏻 dictionaries by Bill Petty are easy to get because they are still in print, however, the Budge dictionaries are old and you’ll probably have to get them second hand! My Nonno gave me the Budge dictionaries over 20 𓎆𓎆 years ago and what’s wild is they were old books 20 𓎆𓎆 years ago!
Thank you 𓋴𓏏𓍯𓄿𓀢 to my friend 𓈘𓈇𓀀𓁐 @elianubis for sending me this beautiful 𓄤 shirt as a gift! I love it!!
Here are affiliate links, where you can purchase the books that I recommended in the video! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps to keep my website and educational content free for all!
This book was essential to me learning hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪 as a child. My Nonno gave me this book – it was his long before it was mine. I loved the cover because Anubis 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱𓁢 was on it (and he’s my favorite), but what I didn’t know was how much this book was going to teach me. I will be very honest – I never sat down and intensely studied Egyptian grammar. I never really learned too much Coptic either. I used this book to learn the relationships between symbols and Egyptian words/phrases and it kind of just “clicked” for me. The Book of the Dead is very repetitive, which is very helpful when learning. I also have many other books on reading hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪 which were extremely helpful, but this book was probably the best one. In my opinion, you can sit down and study vocabulary all you want, but unless you are actively engaging in the material and reading real Egyptian texts, you aren’t going to learn. I still use this book as a reference very often! I also have a book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 that is the complete Papyrus of Ani 𓄿𓈖𓏼𓇌𓀀 in pictures 𓏏𓅱𓏏, and I would use both books side by side so I could actually see the real papyrus 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 as I was reading and learning the symbols. If you want to learn hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪, diving right into Egyptian religious text is the best way to do it (in my opinion – remember, I am completely self taught)! #ancientEgypt#egyptianhistory#booktok#bookrecommendations#bookofthedead#hieroglyphics#letsreadsomehieroglyphs#hieroglyphs
The book I recommend in this video was essential to me learning hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪 as a child. My Nonno gave me this book – it was his long before it was mine. I loved the cover because Anubis 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱𓁢 was on it (and he’s my favorite), but what I didn’t know was how much this book was going to teach me.
I will be very honest – I never sat down and intensely studied Egyptian grammar. I never really learned too much Coptic either. I used this book to learn the relationships between symbols and Egyptian words/phrases and it kind of just “clicked” for me. The Book of the Dead is very repetitive, which is very helpful when learning. I also have many other books on reading hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪 which were extremely helpful, but this book was probably the best one.
In my opinion, you can sit down and study vocabulary all you want, but unless you are actively engaging in the material and reading real Egyptian texts, you aren’t going to learn. I still use this book as a reference very often!
I also have a book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 that is the complete Papyrus of Ani 𓄿𓈖𓏼𓇌𓀀 in pictures 𓏏𓅱𓏏, and I would use both books side by side so I could actually see the real papyrus 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 as I was reading and learning the symbols.
If you want to learn hieroglyphics 𓊹𓌃𓏪, diving right into Egyptian religious text is the best way to do it (in my opinion – remember, I am completely self taught)!
This video shows my honest opinions! However, I am an Amazon Associate and if you use my links to purchase the books I recommended, I will earn a small commission. This helps me keep my website and educational materials free for everyone!
Do you want to learn how to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs but don’t know where to begin? Here are some book recommendations to get you started! I started to teach myself ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs starting at the age of six and I’ve been reading them for over 25 years now! I love teaching people how they can learn too – if I can do it, anyone can! This is not an ad – I brought all of these books myself and these are my honest opinions. Follow me to learn all about ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs, Egyptian mythology, art, culture and more! This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt#hieroglyphics#egyptianhistory#languagelearningtips#languagelearning#bookrecommendations#hieroglyphs#letsreadsomehieroglyphs#ancientegyptblog
Hi 𓉔𓇌𓀁 everyone! Today 𓏇𓇋𓈖𓇳 I am here with two 𓏻 book recommendations if you want to learn to read hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪 too! The first book is “Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners” by Bill Manley and the second book is “How to Read Egyptian” by Mark Collier and Bill Manley!
This video shows my honest opinions! However, I am an Amazon Associate and if you use my links to purchase the books I recommended, I will earn a small commission. This helps me keep my website and educational materials free for everyone!
My friends over at Dover Publications were kind enough to send me this book “The Gods of the Egyptians” by Budge for me to read and review! This book was gifted to me!
My Nonno had a lot of Budge’s books, so I kind of grew up with them! I had never read this one though, so I was very excited to dive in!
This book starts off with a deep look into the complex Egyptian religion and includes sections on the Nomes, Duat, and even a look at the Pyramid Texts! Then there are chapters on Ra, Hathor, Thoth and Maat, Horus, and then the Memphis Triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem/Imhotep. You all know how much I love Imhotep, so this was such a great read! Many of the other deities 𓊹𓊹𓊹 are mentioned through the chapters too, because they have relations to the ones listed above.
My favorite aspect of the book is that it contains full transliterations and translation of two Egyptian myths: “The Legend of Ra and Isis” and “The Destruction of Mankind.” There are also other translations of parts of myths like this throughout the chapters.
I think this is one of the best ways for beginners to learn hieroglyphs! By practicing with reading actual Egyptian literature, you get familiar with the language and grammar without actually studying it! This is mainly how I learned, and I really enjoyed reading through the myths this way!
If you want to take a deep dive into Egyptian mythology and learn hieroglyphs along the way, I would definitely recommend this book! I am also definitely going to get Part 2! You guys can also order this off of Dover’s website. Happy Reading 😀
I got this book on my last trip to the MET – when I saw it I knew that I needed to have it!!! I have always been obsessed with the Egyptian 𓆎𓏏𓀀𓁐 mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾𓏪- even as a small child, pictures of the mummies didn’t scare me, they fascinated me. One of the first books my Nonno ever gave me was called “Faces of the Pharaohs,” and it had so many pictures of the royal mummies in it. I was completely hooked after Nonno gave me that book.
This book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 is unique because it combines two of my favorite things: Egyptian history and science. Though I am not a biologist/in the medical field, I have quite the interest in mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾𓏪 and the science behind studying them.
I love how this book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 was organized, and how each royal mummy 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾 was given their time to shine. The descriptions of the CT scans were detailed and descriptive (though they may be too much for someone without a science background). The book contains many pictures 𓏏𓅱𓏏𓏦, which I thought were fascinating. There was a whole chapter on Hatshepsut’s 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓎹𓏏𓄂𓏏𓀼𓏪 mummy, which of course was my favorite part of the book! The amount of detective work and teamwork that goes into studying the mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾𓏪 is incredible, and I have so much respect for those who want to study, preserve, and respect 𓈙𓆑𓄅 the mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾𓏪.
This post contains an affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I haven’t done a book review in a long time and I really loved this book called “Ancient Egypt” by Campbell Price. This book is part of the Pocket Museum book series by Thames & Hudson!
When I was at the MET in September, I of course had to stop at the gift shop and look at the books! This was a new book, and I of course gravitated towards it because my absolute favorite statue (White Limestone Statue of Hatshepsut) was on the cover!
Inside the book are short descriptions and pictures of over 200 of the most significant ancient Egyptian artifacts from museums across the world. This was so fun to go through because while I have been to the MET, British Museum, Louvre, Vatican, Petrie and Brooklyn Museums, it was truly wonderful to see objects from museums I have not been to!
I like how the book is set up with each page having a clear picture of the object and a short description of it. I feel like this setup makes the book accessible to people of most age groups (probably 10+ if your kid is a strong reader) and different reading levels.
I also like how the objects are divided up chronologically because it allows the reader to see the transformation of Egyptian art through time. Each time period is also given a brief yet informative introduction, and there is a handy glossary at the back for those who are just starting their journey into studying Egyptian art!
This is a book that I would 100% recommend! I really loved it, and it is one I will continue to look back to for reference and for fun!
This post contains an affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
“The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt” was one of my best book purchases of 2020! I have only just been able to read through most of it, and this is probably one of the most complete books that I have in regards to the Egyptian pantheon. I love how the book was organized, and how it also paid attention to the lesser known gods𓊹𓊹𓊹 and goddesses𓊹𓏏𓏪 in Egypt 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖. The pictures were also spectacular and really added value to the text by only emphasizing the written words.
I have learned quite a few things from this book, and it is one I definitely recommend if you are interested in Egyptian mythology and religion. I wish I had gotten this book sooner – I got it on a trip to the MET in September 2020. I’m the type of person that likes to see my books before I purchase them, which is why I hadn’t gotten the book sooner.
I actually brought this book with money my Nonno had given me, so it still felt like he was the one that brought it for me ❤️. is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I got this book, “King Tut: The Journey Through The Underworld,” at the MET gift shop on my birthday this year (thanks Mom and Dad 😀) and to say I absolutely loved it is an understatement!
I almost didn’t get the book because “King Tut” was in the title and his mask was on the cover! And that’s not because I don’t love King Tut – I absolutely love Tutankhamun’s story, the story of his tomb, etc! I already have so many books specifically about Tutankhamun that I didn’t need another one!! I’m thankful my Mom pointed this one out to me and told me to just skim through it because she wanted to buy it for me! It is now one of my favorite books that I own!
First off, this book is absolutely gorgeous. The photographs are spectacular! While “King Tut” is in the title, the book isn’t just focused on him or his tomb (although the picture focused on him are incredible in their own right) – there are photographs from many different Egyptian tombs, temples, and artifacts from across Egypt’s history.
Secondly, I love how the book is organized into chapters that go in the exact order a person would go through on their journey to the afterlife. The text has the beautiful pictures to demonstrate the journey to the reader and makes this central aspect of the ancient Egyptian religion/culture come alive. This book is also wonderful for people like me who have read about this subject for years, but also for people who are just starting to learn.
While this book is definitely geared more towards adults, the photographs can be enjoyed by Egyptologists of all ages! I know I would have loved this book as a kid because of the photographs and how the journey to the afterlife was divided into chapters (I read at a high level as a kid, but the reading level of this book is more like 9th grade and up).
Overall, I think this is a fantastic book and something I would definitely recommend if you are interested in ancient Egyptian funerary beliefs! Also, if you enjoyed Moon Knight and want to learn more about the actual Egyptian afterlife, this would be a great supplemental read! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.