Reading Hieroglyphs

The Cartouches of Thutmosis III – Menkheperra

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! Today we are going to look at one of the many cartouches of Thutmosis III!ย 

Like many pharaohs, Thutmosis III had many different cartouches, and then different variants of those cartouches! Today we are going to be looking more closely at the cartouche of his Throne Name: ๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ. This is a great cartouche to be able to recognize, because I see it more than his birth name cartouche! 

Letโ€™s break down each of the symbols! 

The โ€œ๐“‡ณ sun discโ€ symbol is an ideogram for โ€œraโ€ or โ€œre,โ€ but can also be a determinative in words such as sun, day, and time. The single symbol alone (like in cartouches) would be pronounced like โ€œraโ€ or โ€œre.โ€

The โ€œ๐“  game board and piecesโ€ is a phonogram sign. It is a biliteral sign, which means that it represents two consonants. The โ€œ ๐“ โ€ is associated with the sound โ€œmnโ€ which could be pronounced like โ€œmen,โ€ โ€œmun,โ€ โ€œmon,โ€ etc. 

The โ€œscarab beetle ๐“†ฃโ€ is a phonogram sign. It is a triliteral sign, which means it represents three consonants. The โ€œ๐“†ฃโ€ is associated with the sound โ€œแธซprโ€ which could have been pronounced like โ€œkheper.โ€ The โ€œ scarab beetle ๐“†ฃโ€ is also both an ideogram and determinative for the word โ€œscarab beetle ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ.โ€ 

So all together, the Throne Name cartouche of Thutmosis III ๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ would be pronounced like โ€œMenkheperra.โ€