Reading Hieroglyphs

“Treasury” in Hieroglyphs

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!

Today ๐“‡๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ we are going to be looking at the word for โ€œtreasury ๐“‰’.โ€ I see this word pop up on False Doors a lot because people who worked in the treasury ๐“‰’ were wealthy enough to have a nice burial! 

The word โ€œtreasury ๐“‰’โ€ is written with a Composite Hieroglyph (which in this case also functions as an ideogram). A Composite Hieroglyphic symbol is a combination of multiple symbols into a single glyph. I like to think of Composite Hieroglyphs as a math equation! 

๐“‰ + ๐“Œ‰ = ๐“‰’

pr + แธฅแธ = prแธฅแธ 

The โ€œschematic house plan ๐“‰โ€œ symbol is a biliteral phonogram for the sound โ€œpr,โ€ but it can also function as an ideogram for the word โ€œhouse ๐“‰๐“บ.โ€ This symbol is commonly used as a determinative for words that have to do with buildings (tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰) or places (Duat ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰). 

The โ€œmace with a round head ๐“Œ‰โ€œ symbol is a biliteral phonogram for the sound โ€œแธฅแธ.โ€ While I have seen it mostly used as a phonogram, this symbol can also be an ideogram for the word โ€œmace ๐“Œ‰๐“บ.โ€ 

Whatโ€™s great about the Composite Hieroglyphs is that the two singular symbols retain their original meaning even when combined! This was a great space saving option on various objects, reliefs, etc.