Book Recommendations

Book Review: “The Gods of the Egyptians”

My friends over at Dover Publications were kind enough to send me this book “The Gods of the Egyptians” by Budge for me to read and review! This book was gifted to me!

My Nonno had a lot of Budge’s books, so I kind of grew up with them! I had never read this one though, so I was very excited to dive in!

This book starts off with a deep look into the complex Egyptian religion and includes sections on the Nomes, Duat, and even a look at the Pyramid Texts! Then there are chapters on Ra, Hathor, Thoth and Maat, Horus, and then the Memphis Triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem/Imhotep. You all know how much I love Imhotep, so this was such a great read! Many of the other deities 𓊹𓊹𓊹 are mentioned through the chapters too, because they have relations to the ones listed above. 

My favorite aspect of the book is that it contains full transliterations and translation of two Egyptian myths: “The Legend of Ra and Isis” and “The Destruction of Mankind.” There are also other translations of parts of myths like this throughout the chapters.

I think this is one of the best ways for beginners to learn hieroglyphs! By practicing with reading actual Egyptian literature, you get familiar with the language and grammar without actually studying it! This is mainly how I learned, and I really enjoyed reading through the myths this way! 

If you want to take a deep dive into Egyptian mythology and learn hieroglyphs along the way, I would definitely recommend this book! I am also definitely going to get Part 2! You guys can also order this off of Dover’s website. Happy Reading 😀