Reading Hieroglyphs

“Revered” in Hieroglyphs

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ!

TodayΒ π“‡π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‡³ we are going to be looking at a very popular word that appears on a lot of funerary equipmentΒ π“ˆŽπ“‚‹π“‹΄π“π“π“Š­ (coffins π“‹΄π“…±π“Ž›π“π“†±π“¦, False Doors, Canopic Jar Cases, etc.)! This word can be tricky though because there are a lot of different variants of it – meaning that it can be spelled differently depending on how the word is used or the amount of space available on the object (in this case, the object is a wooden 𓆱𓏏𓏺 coffinΒ π“‹΄π“…±π“Ž›π“π“†±). Different variants of the word can even appear on the same object, as I illustrate with the pictures 𓏏𓅱𓏏𓏦 I’m sharing todayΒ π“‡π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‡³!

The word for today π“‡π“‡‹π“ˆ–𓇳 is β€œRevered/Revered One,” which on the inscription π“Ž˜π“…±π“Ž– in the pictures 𓏏𓅱𓏏𓏦, you can see two 𓏻 of the popular variants: 



Revered One/Revered can also be spelled like:







π“‡‹π“Œ΄π“„ͺ𓐍𓅱 (Revered Man – Dead)

π“„ͺπ“π“‡Œπ“ (Revered Woman – Dead)

I’m sure I did not list all of the variants either! Word variants can be confusing for people who are just starting to read hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ and that’s okay! It will just take some practice, and the best way to practice is to just keep reading real Egyptian inscriptions π“Ÿπ“›π“₯! 

Next time you go to a museum, see if you can find a variant for β€œRevered/Revered One!” I’m sure you will!!