Egyptian Artifacts

“Nefer” Broad Collar

𓄀𓆑𓂋𓅱𓏭𓇑𓇑 – How beautiful this is! Look at thisΒ beautiful π“„€ broad collarΒ π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹!Β 

The broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ was the necklace of choice by both the gods π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ, the pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏦, and the nobility/wealthy! This broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ is unique because traditionally they were made with faience π“‹£π“ˆ–𓏏𓏸𓏼 beads while this particular broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ is made of gold π“‹žπ“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰ and glass π“‹£π“ˆ–𓏏𓏸𓏼! Fun fact: glass and faience are the same word in hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ: π“‹£π“ˆ–𓏏𓏸𓏼!

If you look closely at this broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹, you will see a familiar hieroglyphic π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ symbol: π“„€! The β€œheart and windpipe 𓄀” symbol is a triliteral phonogram that represents the sound β€œnfr” which in modern times we pronounce like β€œnefer.” The word β€œnfr 𓄀” translates to β€œbeautiful” or β€œgood” and is a very popular symbol not only in hieroglyphic π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ phrases such as titles, but also in names π“‚‹π“ˆ–π“¦! 

So basically, this broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ is just saying β€œbeautiful 𓄀” over and over and over again! Maybe the broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ was supposed to bring good π“„€ wishes to the wearer, or just make them  even more beautiful π“„€! Isn’t that what nice jewelry is all about, even in modern times?!

The MET has this piece titled β€œBroad Collar of Nefer Amulets” and it belonged to one of the foreign wives of pharaoh π“‰π“‰» Thutmosis III π“‡³π“ π“†£, as that is the tomb π“‡‹π“«π“Šƒπ“‰ the piece was found in. This piece is dated to the 18th Dynasty (c. 1504–1450 B.C.E.).