Egyptian Artifacts Reading Hieroglyphs

The Birth Name of Pharaoh Hatshepsut

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! Can you spot Hatshepsut’s π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“„‚π“€Ό birth name in the image 𓏏𓅱𓏏 below?

Can you see Hatshepsut’s cartouche?

Today π“‡π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‡³ we are going to look at the birth name (also called the given name) cartouche 𓍷 of my favorite pharaoh 𓉐𓉻, Hatshepsut π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“π“„‚π“π“€Όπ“ͺ! Like with most pharaohs 𓉐𓉻π“₯, Hatshepsut π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“π“„‚π“π“€Όπ“ͺ had many different ways to write her name π“‚‹π“ˆ–, and these different spellings are called variants. A variant of Hatshepsut’s cartouche 𓍷 is what appears on this stela π“Ž—π“…±π“†“π“‰Έ! 

But first 𓏃, let’s break down the full cartouche 𓍷 (aka the one that appears on most monuments) because it is the more β€œgrammatically proper” spelling!

π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ– – Amun

π“ŽΉπ“- United with (Khnemet)

𓄂𓏏 – Foremost (Hat)

π“€Όπ“ͺ -Noble Women (Shepsut)

So Hatshepsut’s name π“‚‹π“ˆ– translates to β€œUnited with Amun, Foremost of the Noble Women.” 

Hatshepsut’s Birth Name Cartouche

Now that we know her most popular variant, let’s take a look at the less common variant of the cartouche 𓍷, which is the variant that appears on the stela: π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“„‚π“€Ό

π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ– – Amun

π“ŽΉ – United with (Khnemet)

π“„‚ – Foremost (Hat)

π“€Ό – Noble Women (Shepsut)

So as you can see, even though there are less hieroglyphic symbols π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ (aka the words are abbreviated), the cartouche still retains the original meaning/pronunciation! Abbreviations can be difficult for beginners, but it just comes with practice! 

There’s also a third variant of Hatshepsut’s name π“‚‹π“ˆ– that I rarely see and it is simply: 𓄂𓏏𓀼π“ͺ which actually spells just β€œHatshepsut”!

𓄂𓏏 – Foremost (Hat)

π“€Όπ“ͺ -Noble Women (Shepsut)

This cartouche 𓍷/inscription π“Ž˜π“…±π“Ž– is from the Stela of Hatshepsut, which is at the Vatican Museum, which is the same stela π“Ž—π“…±π“†“π“‰Έ as the previous post about Hatshepsut’s 𓇳𓁦𓂓 Throne Name!

Here’s a post about Hatshepsut’s Throne Name

Here’s a post about Hatshepsut’s Horus Name

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