Reading Hieroglyphs

Common Hieroglyphic Phrases

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! 

This hieroglyphic π“ŠΉπ“Œƒ text from the Book of the Dead 𓉐𓂋𓏏𓂻𓅓𓉔𓂋𓏲𓇳𓏺𓍼𓏺 of Imhotep contains some really common hieroglyphic phrases and words!  These phrases are short and easy to recognize, so once you learn them, you’ll be reading through some partial inscriptions π“Ÿπ“›π“₯ in no time! 

Some parts of this papyrus 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 are written in hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ, which is very cool because I can read it! I have not mastered Hieratic at all, which is what a lot of papyri 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛𓏦 and Books of the Dead 𓉐𓂋𓏏𓂻𓅓𓉔𓂋𓏲𓇳𓏺𓍼𓏺 are written in! Hieratic is pretty much short-hand hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! I really want to learn Hieratic, and it’s one of my long term goals, but there are a lack of books on the subject which has hindered me from learning!

Common Hieroglyphic Phrases

Let’s break down the following text: π“ƒΉπ“ˆ–π“„€π“€­π“™π“Š€

π“ƒΉπ“ˆ– – It Is

π“„€ – Perfect/Beautiful

π“€­ – God

π“™π“Š€ – True of Voice/Justified

All together the text reads: β€œIt is π“ƒΉπ“ˆ– the perfect god π“„€π“€­, true of voice π“™π“Š€β€¦β€ 

The phrase β€œIt is” can be written as π“ƒΉπ“ˆ– or π“ƒΉπ“ˆ–π“ˆ– – both are grammatically correct, it’s just spacing that can become an issue which is why sometimes only one β€œπ“ˆ–β€ appears! 

Let’s break down each of the symbols individually!

The β€œhare 𓃹” is normally used as a biliteral phonogram. The  𓃹 represents the sounds β€œwn.”

The β€œripple of water π“ˆ–β€ is a uniliteral phonogram. The β€œπ“ˆ–β€ is associated with the sound of β€œn!” 

The β€œheart and windpipe 𓄀” symbol is a triliteral phonogram that represents the sound β€œnfr” which in modern times we pronounce like β€œnefer.”

The β€œseated god 𓀭” symbol is a determinative for the word β€œGod” or β€œKing.” 

The β€œplatform 𓐙” symbol is a triliteral phonogram which represents the sound β€œm3ˁ” which would be pronounced like β€œmah.” 

The β€œoar π“Š€β€ symbol is a triliteral phonogram and represents the sound β€œαΈ«rw.”