Reading Hieroglyphs

The Djed Pillar

The β€œDjed Pillar π“Š½β€ is one of the most common symbols seen in Egyptian art and hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! This particular Djed Pillar π“Š½ is from the Book of the Dead of 𓉐𓂋𓏏𓂻𓅓𓉔𓂋𓏲𓇳𓏺𓍼𓏺 Imhotep at the MET! Even though this Book of the Dead 𓉐𓂋𓏏𓂻𓅓𓉔𓂋𓏲𓇳𓏺𓍼𓏺 is from the Ptolemaic Period, the origin of the Djed Pillar π“Š½ is in the Predynastic Period!

Djed Pillar

The Djed Pillar π“Š½ can be seen in inscriptions π“Ÿπ“›π“₯ as a hieroglyph π“ŠΉπ“Œƒ, as an amulet π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…† for mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾π“ͺ or the living 𓆣𓂋𓀀π“ͺ,  in tomb π“‡‹π“«π“Šƒπ“‰ and temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ art, statues 𓏏𓅱𓏏𓀾π“ͺ, and so much more! This is a wonderful symbol to understand the meaning of because it is everywhere! 

In terms of religious symbolism, The Djed Pillar π“Š½ is thought to represent the spine of Osiris π“Ήπ“Š¨π“€­. When a person died 𓅓𓏏𓏱 and became β€œThe Osiris,” The Djed Pillar π“Š½ was then thought to represent their spine! The spine was thought to keep Osiris π“Ήπ“Š¨π“€­ upright and able to function as the primary god π“ŠΉ of the dead 𓅓𓏏𓏱. This is even referenced in the The Book of the Dead: β€œRaise yourself up Osiris. You have your backbone once more, weary-hearted One; you have bones.” 

Let’s take a look at the hieroglyphic meaning! The β€œreed column π“Š½β€ more commonly known as the β€œDjed Pillar” is a biliteral phonogram that has the sound β€œαΈd” which sounds like β€œDjed.” It also functions as an ideogram for β€œStability.” 

There are many common words and phrases that have the Djed Pillar π“Š½ in it: 

π“™π“‹Ήπ“Š½π“Œ€ – Given Life, Stability, and Strength

π“Š½π“Š½π“ˆ‹π“…±π“Š– / π“Š½π“Š½π“…±π“Š– – Djedu 

π“Š½ / π“Š½π“ – Stability, Endure

π“‹΄π“Š½π“Š½ – Make Permanent

π“Š½π“‚§π“› – To Be Stable