Egyptian Artifacts

Hedgehog Amulet

I think hedgehogs π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„›π“ͺ are such cute little animals!! I love tiny π“ˆ–π“†“π“‹΄π“…© things, so a hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› amulet π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…† is perfect for me because both hedgehogs π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„›π“ͺ and amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ are tiny π“ˆ–π“†“π“‹΄π“…©! This particular blue 𓇋𓁹𓏏𓄿𓏸π“₯ faience π“‹£π“ˆ–π“π“Έπ“Ό hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› is from the Petrie Museum in London! Plus, I think hedgehogs π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„›π“ͺ are such cute animals!

Hedgehog Amulet
A blue faience hedgehog amulet at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in London

The ancient Egyptians π“†Žπ“π“€€π“π“ͺ used amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ a lot in both their daily life and afterlife 𓇼𓄿𓏏𓉐! No matter who was wearing it, amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ had the same function: to invoke magical protection π“…“π“‚π“Ž‘π“€œ for the wearer! Amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ could represent gods π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ and goddesses π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“, everyday objects, hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ, plants 𓆾𓆰𓆰𓆰, animals, and many other things! While many amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ were usually placed on mummies 𓇋𓁹𓅱𓀾π“ͺ to help the deceased 𓅓𓏏𓏱 on their journey to the Duat 𓇼𓄿𓏏𓉐 (afterlife), amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ could also be worn by the living 𓆣𓂋𓀀π“ͺ too! 

In ancient Egypt, the hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› was associated with rebirth π“„Ÿπ“Ώπ“…±, which is a concept central to the ancient Egyptian religion. This association occurred because when food 𓇬𓀁𓅱𓏔π“₯ is scarce, hedgehogs π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„›π“ͺ will retreat into their underground burrows for long periods of time. Hedgehogs π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„›π“ͺ only re-emerge from their burrows during times of food 𓇬𓀁𓅱𓏔π“₯ abundance. This disappearing/appearing pattern strongly correlated with the concept of rebirth π“„Ÿπ“Ώπ“…± to the ancient Egyptians. 

Hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ were placed in tombs π“‡‹π“«π“Šƒπ“‰π“ͺ in order to invoke rebirth π“„Ÿπ“Ώπ“…± of the deceased 𓅓𓏏𓏱. Hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ were also thought to provide protection π“…“π“‚π“Ž‘π“€œ against snake 𓇋𓂝𓂋𓏏𓆙 bites. Most hedgehog π“Ž›π“ˆ–π“π“­π“„› amulets π“Šπ“Šͺπ“…†π“ͺ are dated to the Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom, with their popularity peaking around the 18th Dynasty. 

β€œHedgehog” can be written in two 𓏻 ways in hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ: 

