Egyptian Artifacts Reading Hieroglyphs

Thoth on a Coffin

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ – with the god π“ŠΉ of writing π“Ÿπ“›π“₯ himself, Thoth 𓅝𓏏𓏭! I love Thoth 𓅝because I love hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ and he’s my second favorite Egyptian deity!Β Let’s take a look at a depiction of Thoth on a coffin!

Thoth on a Coffin
Thoth on a Coffin depicted as an Ibis with a human body.

This photo 𓏏𓅱𓏏 shows some details on the mummiform coffin 𓅱𓇋𓀾 of a man named Kharrushere who lived during the Third Intermediate Period/22nd Dynasty (c. 825–712 B.C.E.). Elaborately decorated coffins 𓅱𓇋𓀾π“ͺ are very typical of this time period and I love just looking at them and enjoying the beautiful 𓄀𓆑𓂋 art!

Thoth 𓅝𓏏𓏭 was represented in multiple ways, and was always associated with either the baboon or the ibis 𓉔𓃀𓅀. When in humanoid form (like on this coffin 𓅱𓇋𓀾), he was represented as a human body with the head of an ibis 𓉔𓃀𓅀. 

Let’s break down the hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒ that are to the left of Thoth! 

π“†“π“Œƒπ“‡‹π“ˆ– – Words Spoken By

π“…€ – Thoth (β€œDjeuty” in Middle Egyptian)

π“ŽŸ – Lord

π“ŠΉπ“Œƒ – Hieroglyphs (β€œDivine Words/Writing”)

Thoth π“…€π“€­ was thought to have invented writing π“Ÿπ“›π“₯, and was thus the god π“ŠΉ of all record keeping, hence the epithet β€œLord of the Divine Words/Writing π“ŽŸπ“ŠΉπ“Œƒ.” Due to his vast knowledge, π“‚‹π“π“π“œ Thoth π“Ÿ was thought to know magic π“Ž›π“‚“π“„Ώπ“œ and secrets π“ƒ€π“‹΄π“†Ÿπ“›π“¦ that were unknown to the rest of the gods π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ in the Egyptian pantheon. He was also the god π“ŠΉ of scribes π“Ÿπ“€€π“ͺ.

Thoth π“…€ has many ways to write his name π“‚‹π“ˆ– in hieroglyphs! Here are a few of them: 






Most of the deities π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ in the Egyptian pantheon have many variations of ways to write their names in hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒ!

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost without permission.