Egyptian Artifacts

Roman Mosaic

While this beautiful 𓄀𓆑𓂋 Roman mosaic is not Egyptian, it is inspired by ancient Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–! The global fascination and love of ancient Egyptian art didn’t start in modern times; in fact, the Romans were enamored with ancient Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š– too! The Romans saw Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š– as a β€œland of wealth and antiquity.” 

Roman Mosaic
An Egyptian inspired Roman Mosaic at the MET

Mosaics are a Roman art form, but if you look at the center you will see Egyptian figures! The figure on the left has blue skin and the sun/horn headdress that is typical of the goddess π“ŠΉπ“ Isis π“Š¨π“π“₯ during this time period, while the seared figure on the right is wearing the nemes π“ˆ–π“…“π“‹΄ head cloth which is typical dress for a pharaoh 𓉐𓉻.Β 

The scene is definitely strange because a goddess π“ŠΉπ“ would never be making an offering to a pharaoh 𓉐𓉻 – the pharaoh 𓉐𓉻 would always be making an offering to a god π“ŠΉ or goddess π“ŠΉπ“! This scene was clearly meant to convey what the Roman’s felt as an Egyptian atmosphere and it’s interesting to see the Roman interpretation of Egyptian culture despite its inaccuracies. 

Fun Fact: Roman Emperors liked Egyptian art, and some (like Caligula π“ˆπ“‹Ύπ“©π“„Ώπ“²π“π“ŽΌπ“ƒ­π“‚§π“‚‹π“° and Hadrian π“‰”π“π“‚‹π“‚π“ˆ–π“Šƒπ“ˆŽπ“Šƒπ“‚‹) had pieces from ancient Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š– brought to Rome to adorn their gardens π“Ž›π“Šƒπ“Šͺπ“ˆˆπ“₯ or estates.Β 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

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