𓄫𓏏𓄣 – “Be Happy, “Happiness,” “Joy,” – or more accurately translated from Middle Egyptian, “Wide Heart.”

I LOVE how the direct Middle Egyptian translation of the word is “Wide Heart 𓄫𓏏𓄣” – I think it carries so much meaning in such a little phrase. “Ancient Egypt makes my heart wide” sounds cooler than “Ancient Egypt brings me joy/happiness” – in my opinion at least!
I always love seeing Happiness/Joy 𓄫𓏏𓄣 written on objects because that is exactly how I felt when I was in a museum and looking at Egyptian artifacts with my Nonno. The only emotion I could feel at the time was joy 𓄫𓏏𓄣 and I was so lucky. I would do anything to go to a museum with my Nonno and experience those emotions again.
While I still feel joy 𓄫𓏏𓄣 in museums now, there’s always a sadness and a feeling that something is missing because I truly miss my Nonno more than anything.
I’m kind of in a transition period of my life at the moment (hence the non-consistent posting) and I am hopefully on my way to doing something that will make me happy 𓄫𓏏𓄣!
Let’s read some hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪! Here are some common variants for the word that will pop up in inscriptions:
This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.
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