Book Recommendations

Book Review – “The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology”

When my Nonno used to talk about taking me to the Petrie Museum, he would always tell me that he was excited to buy me the book that was at the museum! When we went there in 2015, he kept his promise and brought me the book “The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.”

My Nonno gave me a lot of his books. He would buy a book, read it and then give it to me to read. We would then talk about the stuff we learned. He also always brought me a book when we went to a museum or Barnes & Noble together. My collection of books aren’t just books about Egypt; they are memories of things that my Nonno and I did together and that is why the books are so special/important to me. Having my Nonno’s books are so comforting to me because they were a part of him and he loved them so much. Having his books makes me feel like I still have a part of him here with me.

The book contains highlights of the museum’s collection and a history of how the museum came to be. Petrie had a huge influence on archaeology (he taught Howard Carter), so it’s interesting to see the history of Egypt and then the history of how archaeologists studied Egypt combined into a beautiful book. The pictures in it are beautiful and capture the uniqueness of this incredible place! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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