Egyptian Artifacts

The Hatshepsut Gallery

The room is known as Gallery 115, but I have always called it β€œThe Hatshepsut Room” simply because it is the gallery in the MET where all of her statues π“„šπ“ˆ–π“π“­π“€Ύπ“¦ are. The MET was instrumental in excavating Hatshepsut’s 𓇳𓁦𓂓 mortuary temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ at Deir el-Bahri 𓂦𓂋𓂦π“₯𓉐, and all of the statues π“„šπ“ˆ–π“π“­π“€Ύπ“¦ in this gallery are from that excavation.

While Hatshepsut 𓇳𓁦𓂓 was not the only female pharaoh 𓉐𓉻 in Egyptian history, she was without a doubt the most successful (if not one of the most successful pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏦 to ever live). During her rule, any Hyksos influence was now erased, and this time was kind of the β€œgolden age” for New Kingdom art. Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š– also had good relationships with neighboring peoples and trade flowed freely. This allowed Egypt to prosper in ways that it hadn’t before π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–.