Egyptian Artifacts

Broad Collar and Ointment Spoon

One of the most popular types of jewelry amongst the elite – including the pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏦 and royal family is known as the broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹. In Middle Egyptian, the word for broad collar was π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ (pronounced β€œwesekh) or simply just the determinative hieroglyph 𓋝 could be used for the whole word. This particular broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ was made during the late 18th Dynasty.

The broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ was the necklace of choice by both the gods π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ and the pharaohs 𓉐𓉻𓏦 and it reached peak popularity during the 18th Dynasty. Broad collars π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹π“¦ could be made of many different types of materials, including gold π“‹žπ“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰π“ƒ‰, but the one shown in this picture are made of blue 𓇋𓁹𓏏𓄿𓏸π“₯ faience π“‹£π“ˆ–π“π“Έπ“Ό beads. This broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ is in almost perfect condition!

Underneath the broad collar π“…±π“‹΄π“π“ŽΊπ“‹ is actually a spoon! It is not a spoon that was used for eating, but instead used to hold ointment π“‹΄π“ŽΌπ“ˆ–π“ˆ–. The top part of the spoon swivels open! It is fashioned after a pomegranate π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‰”π“ π“†­, and the spoon part itself is supposed to be a pomegranate π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‰”π“ π“†­ fruit. Fun fact: pomegranate π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‰”π“ π“†­ flowers and fruit never appear on the plant at the same time, so maybe the spoon is representative of the growth from flowers to fruit/the life cycle of the plant??!! We will never know!