Egyptian Artifacts

Wedjat or “Eye of Horus”

The wedjat ๐“‚€ or the “Eye of Horus” was not only one of the most popular amulets ๐“Š๐“Šช๐“…†๐“ช in ancient Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–, but also one of the most popular religious symbols in general! 

The wedjat ๐“‚€ or the “Eye of Horus” is representative of the eye ๐“น๐“๐“ค that Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ lost when battling Seth ๐“Šƒ๐“๐“„ก๐“ฃ. Thoth ๐“…ค๐“€ญ restored Horus’ ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ eye, however, the single Eye of Horus became a symbol of rebirth ๐“„Ÿ๐“ฟ๐“…ฑ or healing ๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“ƒ€๐“œ due to the nature of the myth. 

The wedjat ๐“‚€ was also common symbol of protection ๐“…“๐“‚๐“Žก๐“€œ and regeneration.ย  The Eye of Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ was an amulet ๐“Š๐“Šช๐“…† used by both the living ๐“†ฃ๐“‚‹๐“€€๐“ช and the dead ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ! The Eye of Horus was also associated with the moon ๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“Ž›๐“‡น!ย 

Wedjat or "Eye of Horus"
Two Wedjat or “Eye of Horus” amulets on display at the MET

These two ๐“ป faience ๐“‹ฃ๐“ˆ–๐“๐“ธ๐“ผ wedjat ๐“‚€ eye amulets ๐“Š๐“Šช๐“…†๐“ช from the Third Intermediate Period (c. 1070โ€“664 B.C.E.) are so detailed and beautiful ๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹! 

The wedjat ๐“‚€ eye on the left has a wing ๐“‚ง๐“Œณ๐“๐“†ƒ, lion ๐“Œณ๐“น๐“„ฟ๐“„› (it looks like the hieroglyph symbol โ€œ๐“ƒญโ€), and and two ๐“ป Uraei ๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“‚‹๐“๐“†—๐“ช on it! All of the inlays are intact too! 

The wedjat ๐“‚€ eye on the right is missing some of the white inlay on the eye but it has the details of what looks like the bottom part of a falcon ๐“ƒ€๐“‡‹๐“Žก๐“…„ (the tail and the legs), another eye ๐“น๐“๐“ค, and an arm ๐“‚๐“บ! 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 



Wooden Statue of Anubis (Video)

This wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ of Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ at the Brooklyn Museum is one of my favorites!

This statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ shows Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ in his jackal ๐“Šƒ๐“„ฟ๐“ƒ€๐“ƒฅ form. The recumbent position is representative of him guarding the necropolis ๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“Šผ from high above on a hill ๐“ˆŽ๐“„ฟ๐“„ฟ๐“ŠŽ or mountain ๐“ˆ‹๐“…ณ- as was his role as the god ๐“Šน of cemeteries and mummification ๐“‹ด๐“‚ง๐“๐“…ฑ๐“Ž.

Another one of Anubisโ€™ ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ titles is โ€œupon his hill/mountain ๐“ถ๐“บ๐“ˆ‹๐“†‘โ€ and this hieroglyphic ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช phrase usually follows his name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– in dedication texts! Again, this is representative of Anubisโ€™ ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ role as protector ๐“…“๐“‚๐“Žก๐“€œ of the dead ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ; he was always standing watch from above! 

This piece is dated to the Late Period or Ptolemaic Period (c. 664-30 B.C.E.), which is when wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ statues ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ๐“ช of Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ in this style became extremely popular!

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. 


Egyptian Artifacts

Book of the Dead of Sobekmose

One of the greatest aspects of the Brooklyn Museumโ€™s Egyptian collection is The Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ for a man named Sobekmose, who had the title โ€œGoldworker of Amun.โ€ Sobekmose was buried in Memphis ๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹๐“‰ด๐“Š– and that is where this papyrus ๐“…“๐“‘๐“๐“› was found. This Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ dates to the 18th Dynasty (early New Kingdom 1500-1480 B.C.E.).ย 

Book of the Dead of Sobekmose
Me with the Book of the Dead of Sobekmose at the Brooklyn Museum

This Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ is displayed as one complete papyrus ๐“…“๐“‘๐“๐“› which is incredible to see! The papyrus ๐“…“๐“‘๐“๐“› is curved, due to either 1) being made that way or 2) getting warped over thousands of years being rolled up in a tomb ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰! 

The Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ is interesting because it doesn’t follow a particular story.ย  The spells ๐“Ž›๐“‚“๐“›๐“ฆ do seem to be grouped by theme, and sometimes pictures ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“ฆ can be representative of the spells ๐“Ž›๐“‚“๐“›๐“ฆ as well.

Book of the Dead of Sobekmose
The Book of the Dead of Sobekmose with Hieratic script

Hieratic is the script that this Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ is written in – don’t ask me to translate, because I can’t read Hieratic well at all! While Hieratic is another way to write the Middle Egyptian language, some of the symbols look VERY different and have evolved over time – it is definitely difficult to learn! Much like hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช, Hieratic can be read from top to bottom, right to left or left to right.ย 

Book of the Dead of Sobekmose
The Book of the Dead of Sobekmose with Hieratic script in black and red ink

Some of the Hieratic is in black ๐“†Ž๐“…“ ink while some of it is in red ๐“‚ง๐“ˆ™๐“‚‹๐“…Ÿ.  The red ๐“‚ง๐“ˆ™๐“‚‹๐“…Ÿ ink seems to symbolize either the beginning or the end ๐“Žผ๐“‚‹๐“Ž›๐“‚๐“› of a spell ๐“Ž›๐“‚“๐“›, or it could highlight a word for a noun that was considered “bad” in Egyptian culture. However, sometimes even “offering table ๐“‚๐“ƒ€๐“…ก๐“„ฟ๐“‹ƒ” could have been written/drawn in red ๐“‚ง๐“ˆ™๐“‚‹๐“…Ÿ and offering tables ๐“‚๐“ƒ€๐“…ก๐“„ฟ๐“‹ƒ were not bad at all!  So, some of the red ๐“‚ง๐“ˆ™๐“‚‹๐“…Ÿ ink seems kinda random. 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 


Egyptian Artifacts

Amun-Ra or Pharaoh Amenhotep III?

This quartzite statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ at the Brooklyn Museum is called โ€œAmun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ or Pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป Amenhotep III ๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž โ€ and while small ๐“ˆ–๐“†“๐“‹ด๐“…ฉ, it certainly gives us a lot to think about! I think that this statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ is a representation of Amenhotep III ๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž  for a couple of reasons!ย 

Amun-Ra or Pharaoh Amenhotep III
Statue of Amun-Ra or Pharaoh Amenhotep III at the Brooklyn Museum

The first and most obvious reason are the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช on his chest ornament, which is on top of an elaborately carved broad collar ๐“…ฑ๐“‹ด๐“๐“Žบ๐“‹. While the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช are difficult to see in the picture ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“, here is the translation: 

๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž  – Nebmaatra (Amenhotep IIIโ€™s throne name)

๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ – Amun-Ra

๐“Œธ – Beloved

So the full translation would be โ€œNebmaatra, Beloved of Amun-Ra.โ€ This clearly labels the statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ as being of Amenhotep III ๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž . 

Amun-Ra or Pharaoh Amenhotep III
Me with the statue of Amun-Ra or Pharaoh Amenhotep III at the Brooklyn Museum

The statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ does have a some similarities to the representation of the god ๐“Šน Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ too, especially the remnants of the crown on his head, which is the same two-plume crown ๐“‹› that is characteristic of Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ. 

Amenhotep III ๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž  seems to have had a fascination with Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ, and probably wanted to be depicted as him. Many Egyptologists wonder if Amenhotep IIIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“ง๐“Ž  fascination with this solar deity was inspiration for his son ๐“…ญ Akhenatenโ€™s ๐“‡‹๐“๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“…œ๐“๐“ˆ– religious revolution. 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Egyptian Artifacts

Ptolemaic Statue of Anubis

This wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ of Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ at the Brooklyn Museum is similar to the one I posted from the MET yesterday ๐“‹ด๐“†‘๐“‡ณ! I love seeing โ€œsisterโ€ pieces across museums!ย 

Ptolemaic Statue of Anubis
Ptolemaic Statue of Anubis at the Brooklyn Museum

This piece is dated to the Late Period or Ptolemaic Period (c. 664-30 B.C.E.), which is when wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ statues ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ๐“ช of Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ in this style became extremely popular! This piece was likely found at Saqqara, which in ancient Egyptian times was called Memphis ๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹๐“‰ด๐“Š–. 

I also love this statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ because it is very similar to Anubisโ€™ ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ determinative hieroglyph ๐“ƒฃ (which is my favorite hieroglyphic ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช symbol) and itโ€™s almost identical to the โ€˜recumbent jackal ๐“ƒขโ€ sign! The recumbent position is representative of him guarding the necropolis ๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“Šผ from high above on a hill ๐“ˆŽ๐“„ฟ๐“„ฟ๐“ŠŽ or mountain ๐“ˆ‹๐“…ณ- as was his role as the god ๐“Šน of cemeteries and mummification ๐“‹ด๐“‚ง๐“๐“…ฑ๐“Ž.

Ptolemaic Statue of Anubis
Ptolemaic Statue of Anubis at the Brooklyn Museum

Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ, despite being associated with death ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ, was a very positive figure in Egyptian religion. In Egyptian mythology, he played the vital role in the mummification ๐“‹ด๐“‚ง๐“๐“…ฑ๐“Ž of the god ๐“Šน Osiris ๐“น๐“Šจ๐“€ญ and weighed the heart ๐“‡‹๐“ƒ€๐“„ฃ of the deceased ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ against Maatโ€™s ๐“™๐“Œด๐“‚ฃ๐“๐“ฆ feather ๐“†„๐“บ in the Weighing of the Heart! In modern pop culture, Anubis is usually the โ€œvillainโ€ when in reality he was a highly regarded and peaceful god ๐“Šน! 

Basically, I love anything to do with Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ! Seeing a well preserved statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ of him, or hieroglyphic ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช symbols of his name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– in inscriptions ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ makes me really happy ๐“„ซ๐“๐“„ฃ and excited. Itโ€™s like seeing an old friend ๐“ˆ˜๐“ˆ‡๐“€€๐“! 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.ย 

Egyptian Artifacts

Wooden Statue of Anubis

This wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ of Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ is one of my favorites because the piece is in such good condition! The black ๐“†Ž๐“…“ paint ๐“‡จ๐“‚‹๐“…ฑ๐“ญ๐“ธ๐“ฆ is still clearly visible and the wood ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ is so well preserved. Wood ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ is an organic material, and even in the dry heat of the desert ๐“…Ÿ๐“‚‹๐“๐“ˆŠ it can still break down over thousands ๐“†ผ๐“†ผ๐“†ผ of years! My Nonno always pointed out every wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ piece in a museum and told us how significant it was that the wood ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ was preserved.

Wooden Statue of Anubis
Wooden Statue of Anubis at the MET

This particular Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ piece is dated to the Ramesside Period, which was during the 19th-20th Dynasties of the New Kingdom. This style of statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ depicting Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ actually became very popular during the Ptolemaic Period, and there is a piece similar to this in the Brooklyn Museum too! 

This statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ shows Anubis ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ in his jackal ๐“Šƒ๐“„ฟ๐“ƒ€๐“ƒฅ form. The recumbent position is representative of him guarding the necropolis ๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“Šผ from high above on a hill ๐“ˆŽ๐“„ฟ๐“„ฟ๐“ŠŽ or mountain ๐“ˆ‹๐“…ณ- as was his role as the god ๐“Šน of cemeteries and mummification ๐“‹ด๐“‚ง๐“๐“…ฑ๐“Ž. One of his titles which is โ€œLord of the Sacred Land ๐“ŽŸ๐“‚ฆ๐“ˆŠ,โ€ exemplifies and highlights this role. The โ€œsacred landโ€ mentioned in this title is another way to say โ€œnecropolis ๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“Šผ!โ€ 

Wooden Statue of Anubis
Wooden Statue of Anubis at the MET

Another one of Anubisโ€™ ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ titles is โ€œupon his hill/mountain ๐“ถ๐“บ๐“ˆ‹๐“†‘โ€ and this hieroglyphic ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช phrase usually follows his name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– in dedication texts! Again, this is representative of Anubisโ€™ ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ role as protector ๐“…“๐“‚๐“Žก๐“€œ of the dead ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ; he was always standing watch from above! 

An inscription ๐“Ž˜๐“…ฑ๐“Ž– would look like this: โ€œ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฑ๐“ƒฃ๐“ถ๐“บ๐“ˆ‹๐“†‘๐“ŽŸ๐“‚ฆ๐“ˆŠโ€ which translates to โ€œAnubis, Upon His Hill, Lord of the Sacred Land.โ€ 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Egyptian Artifacts

Horus as a Falcon

The god ๐“Šน Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ was one of the most important gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน in the Egyptian pantheon. One of Horusโ€™ ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ many roles was as a mythological representation of the pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป/heir to the throne of Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–. In this statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ, Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ is depicted as a falcon ๐“ƒ€๐“‡‹๐“Žก๐“…„ wearing the combined crown ๐“‹– which represents both the White Crown ๐“„ค๐“‹‘ of Upper Egypt ๐“‡“ and the Red Crown ๐“‚ง๐“ˆ™๐“‚‹๐“๐“‹” of Lower Egypt ๐“†ค!ย Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ as a falcon ๐“ƒ€๐“‡‹๐“Žก๐“…„ was one of the most common ways he is represented in Egyptian art.

Horus as a Falcon
Horus as a Falcon on display at the MET

The Uraeus on the front ๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“‚‹๐“๐“†— of the crown is in amazing condition! A Uraeus ๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“‚‹๐“๐“†— is usually depicted as an upright snake ๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“‚‹๐“๐“†™ and is a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, and divine authority in Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– – all characteristics usually associated with the pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป, and also the god ๐“Šน Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ! 

Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ was also a sky ๐“Šช๐“๐“‡ฏ god ๐“Šน. Horusโ€™ ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– means โ€œThe Distant One,โ€ due to him residing in the sky ๐“Šช๐“๐“‡ฏ! 

Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ was the son ๐“…ญ of Isis ๐“Šจ๐“๐“†‡ and Osiris ๐“น๐“Šจ๐“€ญ and will often be introduced in inscriptions ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ as such! For example, you could see โ€œ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ๐“…ญ๐“Šจ๐“๐“†‡๐“…ญ๐“น๐“Šจ๐“€ญโ€ on objects such as sarcophagi ๐“ŽŸ๐“‹น๐“ˆ–๐“๐“Šญ๐“ฆ! 

Here are some variants of Horusโ€™ name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–:

๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ (the most common way to write his name)





This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Egyptian Artifacts

Soul of Pe

This bronze ๐“ˆ”๐“ค๐“ˆ’๐“ฆ kneeling statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ of a falcon ๐“ƒ€๐“‡‹๐“Žก๐“…„ deity ๐“Šน is referred to as the โ€œSoul of Peโ€ and it is actually another way to depict the god ๐“Šน Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ. Also known as โ€œHorus of Pe,โ€ these bronze ๐“ˆ”๐“ค๐“ˆ’๐“ฆ statues ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ๐“ช became popular during the Late Period, after 600 B.C.E.ย 

Soul of Pe
Bronze Soul of Pe statue on display at the Brooklyn Museum

The Souls ๐“‚“๐“‚“๐“‚“ of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– and Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– were first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and are referred to as the ancestors of the pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฅ. The Souls ๐“‚“๐“‚“๐“‚“ of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– and Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– symbolized the predynastic rulers of Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–. The Souls ๐“‚“๐“‚“๐“‚“ of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– and Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– were thought of as very powerful deities ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน that not only aided the deceased ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฅ, but also the current living ๐“†ฃ๐“‚‹๐“€€๐“ช pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป. 

Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– and Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– were both cities in Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– and were around as early as the predynastic period.  Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– was originally the cult center for the god ๐“Šน Horus in Upper Egypt ๐“‡“, however, Pe a town in Lower Egypt ๐“†ค, was awarded to Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ by Ra ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“› after his eye was injured during his battle with Seth ๐“Šƒ๐“๐“„ก๐“ฃ for the throne of Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–. 

In this particular statue ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ, Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ/Soul of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– is shown in a characteristic kneeling position with one arm raised, with the other resting on his chest. This is known as a โ€œjubilation position,โ€ which is meant to show the Soul of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– celebrating the rising of the sun ๐“†„๐“…ฑ๐“‡ถ. The Soul of Pe ๐“Šช๐“Š– is usually represented as Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ the Falcon ๐“ƒ€๐“‡‹๐“Žก๐“…„, while the Soul of Nekhen ๐“Š”๐“ˆ–๐“Š– is usually represented as a jackal ๐“Šƒ๐“„ฟ๐“ƒ€๐“ƒฅ. 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Reading Hieroglyphs Video

Doorjamb of Rameses II – Video

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! 

This large piece is referred to as a โ€œDoorjamb from a Temple of Rameses II.โ€ Basically, that means these blocks came from a gateway at a temple that was built in honor of one of Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– royal jubilees. 

๐“†ฅ – King of Upper and Lower Egypt

๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– – Usermaatre setep en Ra (Throne Name of Rameses II which translates to โ€œThe Justice of Ra is powerful, Chosen of Ra.โ€)

๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ๐“บ – Amun-Ra

๐“ŽŸ๐“Žผ๐“Žผ๐“Žผ๐“‡ฟ๐“‡ฟ – Lord of the Thrones

๐“Œบ – Beloved

๐“™๐“‹น- Given Life

So all together the inscription reads โ€œKing of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usermaatre, Beloved of Amun-Ra, Lord of the Thrones, Given Life.โ€ 

Also Rameses IIIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“ˆ˜๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ– cartouches appear on this too on the bottom of the doorjamb – he clearly usurped this piece for his own use and didnโ€™t change all of the cartouches!

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost.ย 

Reading Hieroglyphs

Steatite Scarabs of Hatshepsut (Part II)

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! 

Today ๐“‡๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ we are going to look at two ๐“ป more steatite ๐“…ฎ๐“ˆŽ๐“๐“ˆ’๐“ŠŒ scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช from the Hatshepsut ๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“/Thutmosis III ๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ era of the 18th Dynasty! Just like the scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช we looked at yesterday ๐“‹ด๐“†‘๐“‡ณ, these are also on display at the MET! 

Steatite Scarabs of Hatshepsut
Steatite Scarabs of Hatshepsut on display at the MET

Alright so letโ€™s get to the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!!!

These two ๐“ป steatite ๐“…ฎ๐“ˆŽ๐“๐“ˆ’๐“ŠŒ scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช are interesting because while at first glance the inscriptions ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ look similar (and they are) they are also quite different! On them Hatshepsut ๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“ is referred to as both โ€œLord of the Two Landsโ€ and โ€œLady of the Two Lands.โ€ Her throne name โ€œMaatkare ๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“โ€ appears on both scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช. 

Letโ€™s look at the scarab ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ on the left! 

๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“ – Maatkare (Truth ๐“ฆ is the Soul ๐“‚“ of Re ๐“‡ณ)

๐“ŽŸ – Lord 

๐“‡ฟ๐“‡ฟ – Two Lands

Letโ€™s look at the scarab ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ on the right! 

๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“ – Maatkare (Truth ๐“ฆ is the Soul ๐“‚“ of Re ๐“‡ณ)

๐“ŽŸ๐“ – Lady

๐“‡พ๐“‡พ – Two Lands

In order to make nouns feminine in Middle Egyptian, a โ€œ๐“โ€ is added to the end of the word so โ€œLord ๐“ŽŸโ€ becomes โ€œLady ๐“ŽŸ๐“.โ€ This is significant in this case because on these scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช, thereโ€™s a mix of both when it comes to Hatshepsut ๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“! From the early to mid part of her  reign, Hatshepsutโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“ฆ๐“‚“ statuary contained inscriptions more commonly with the feminine form of the words. Towards the end of her reign ๐“‹พ๐“ˆŽ๐“ she started using the masculine form of words.  

You can also see the two ๐“ป different variants used for โ€œtwo landsโ€ (๐“‡ฟ๐“‡ฟย  vs. ๐“‡พ๐“‡พ )on the scarabs ๐“๐“Šช๐“‚‹๐“‚‹๐“†ฃ๐“ช! These two ๐“ป variants were pretty much used interchangeably so not much to analyze in this case!ย 

Read Part I Here!

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.