Book Recommendations

Book Review – “The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology”

When my Nonno used to talk about taking me to the Petrie Museum, he would always tell me that he was excited to buy me the book that was at the museum! When we went there in 2015, he kept his promise and brought me the book “The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.”

My Nonno gave me a lot of his books. He would buy a book, read it and then give it to me to read. We would then talk about the stuff we learned. He also always brought me a book when we went to a museum or Barnes & Noble together. My collection of books aren’t just books about Egypt; they are memories of things that my Nonno and I did together and that is why the books are so special/important to me. Having my Nonno’s books are so comforting to me because they were a part of him and he loved them so much. Having his books makes me feel like I still have a part of him here with me.

The book contains highlights of the museum’s collection and a history of how the museum came to be. Petrie had a huge influence on archaeology (he taught Howard Carter), so it’s interesting to see the history of Egypt and then the history of how archaeologists studied Egypt combined into a beautiful book. The pictures in it are beautiful and capture the uniqueness of this incredible place! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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Book Recommendations

Book Review – “How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs”

Today I would like to share one of my favorite books on hieroglyphs: “How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs” by Mark Collier and Bill Manley.

Bill Manley wrote “Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners” which is my number one book recommendation for people who want to begin reading hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪, but this book I’m talking about today is like the advanced version of the beginners book! I would recommend diving into this one after you complete “Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners.”

The first chapter of the book is an introduction to the basics of Middle Egyptian, but then the book dives deeply into grammar and nuances of Middle Egyptian as a whole, without seeming overwhelming. I feel that Allen’s “Middle Egyptian” is so overwhelming with grammar that it can really turn off beginners to continuing their studies. Bill Manley is able to teach grammar in a practical way without coming off too strong – which as a teacher, I can tell you that that is a gift!

I also like how the book is interactive and gives guided exercises to the reader that allows them to practice what they learned in the reading. The exercises are based on real Middle Egyptian texts, so you are actually reading the words of the ancient Egyptians! There’s also an answer key in the back to check your work – don’t cheat 😂. In my opinion, jumping right into reading texts is the best way to learn. Learning vocabulary/grammar as you go is so much better than just studying for hours and then trying to recall the information by reading for hours.

The dictionary in the back is also a great addition! Overall, I would 100% recommend this book as a way to enhance your study of hieroglyphs 𓊹𓌃𓏪! I wish it was around when I was first learning! I have read through this book multiple times and still learn something new each time! The beauty of studying a language is that the learning is never complete – there is always something to learn! This book is a wealth of information and I treasure it! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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Book Recommendations

Book Review – “Pocket Guide to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs”

The “Pocket Guide to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs” was one of my favorite books as a child, and it is one I still love to go through! Believe it or not, my Dad actually brought this one for me in Barnes & Noble at the beginning of my journey of learning hieroglyphs! I remember that trip to the bookstore clearly because I was so excited to get this book! I must have been seven or with years old at the time!

While I definitely think adults can enjoy this book too (especially beginners) this really is geared more towards kids! What I love is that it teaches some grammar without it being too much, breaks down the types of hieroglyphic symbols, and delves into some common phrases that you will find in museums!

I find that this book makes hieroglyphs really accessible for kids and provides accurate age-appropriate information without watering it down. I feel like this book helps build confidence with the overwhelming task of learning hieroglyphs! When a child sees success and gains confidence, they will want to continue to learn! I think that is what makes this book powerful – it encourages learning and makes it fun!

This is a book I would recommend if your child wants to learn, but I think if you are an adult who wants to learn some basic information before delving into more adult-geared books, this provides some valuable insight! I truly love this book! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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Book Recommendations

Book Review – “The Tomb of Queen Nefertari”

Today I am reviewing “The Tomb of Queen Nefertari” by Ruth Shilling! This book is an overview of the tomb in regards to the gods and goddesses that appear in the art. Overall, I would recommend the book, however, I wrote about the stuff I didn’t like too much as well!

Some things I love about the book:
The pictures of Nefertari’s tomb are absolutely gorgeous! This is one of the most beautifully decorated tombs in all of Egypt, and the pictures are wonderful. It was worth the price of the book just for the pictures!

When it comes to starting to learn to read hieroglyphs, my philosophy is to to just jump right in with ancient Egyptian texts. You’ll never learn if you just get a book and study vocabulary. This book fits in with that philosophy because it teaches vocabulary (names of deities, popular phrases) in terms of Nefertari’s tomb. This book is great for kids because the explanations are not complex at all, and it’s also great for adults who might just be starting and grammar books/intro books are intimidating.

I like how it focused on the gods/goddesses in the tomb. It gave the book a good focus and allows the reader to see an overview of the Egyptian pantheon.

Some things I didn’t like:
It was very simple and didn’t go into much detail. For example, when showing the names of gods/goddesses in the hieroglyphs, it usually does not include determinatives and only shows the name that appears in the tomb, as opposed to the more common ways to write the name that would allow for recognition in other pieces/places. Also, there is a mistake on one of the pages (shows that 𓇓 = king, but it’s part of the word for King’s Wife 𓇓𓏏𓈞/𓇓𓏏𓏏𓈞).

While it is great for kids and for adults who are just beginning their hieroglyphic reading journey, for someone who is more advanced, this book offers no new information and is almost too surface level sometimes, even for a beginner. is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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Book Recommendations

Book Recommendation – “Egypt’s False Prophet: Akhenaten”

Egypt’s False Prophet: Akhenaten

I find Akhenaten 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓅜𓐍𓈖 to be such an interesting Pharaoh! “Egypt’s False Prophet: Akhenaten” is definitely a book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 I recommend – it shows how the early 18th Dynasty was a “set up” for the Amarna 𓈌𓏏𓉐𓇋𓏏𓈖𓊖 period (the book actually talks about Hatshepsut 𓇳𓁦𓂓 quite a lot). 

The book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 also goes into detail about the excavation of the city 𓊖𓏺 of Amarna 𓈌𓏏𓉐𓇋𓏏𓈖𓊖, what occurred during Akhenaten’s 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓅜𓐍𓈖 reign 𓋾, and then the fallout of Akhenaten’s 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓅜𓐍𓈖 rule after his death 𓅓𓏏𓏱. 

My Nonno gave this book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛 to me forever ago when I first started getting interested in the Amarna 𓈌𓏏𓉐𓇋𓏏𓈖𓊖 period and I’ve read it a bunch of times but I still find it to be so interesting! 

Hieroglyph Fact: the word I’m using for “book 𓅓𓍑𓏏𓏛“ in this post actually translates to “papyrus” or “papyrus roll” – there is no word for “book” in Middle Egyptian, so this is the closest translation I could come up with! is a participator in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please consider using my links, as I earn a commission at no cost to you. This helps to keep my site up and running!

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