Reading Hieroglyphs

Funerary Vessel Painted to Imitate Stone

Letโ€™s read some Hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!

Today ๐“‡๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ we are going to look at a really cool vase ๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡‹๐“‹ that is on display at the Brooklyn Museum! The museum has named this piece โ€œInscribed Funerary Vessel Painted to Imitate Stoneโ€ and I just love that because it is such a great description of the piece! 

I believe that the rock ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‚‹๐“ˆ™ that this vase ๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“‡‹๐“‹ is supposed to be imitating breccia, which is a sedimentary rock ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‚‹๐“ˆ™ commonly found in Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– and was primarily used for pottery and stoneware during the early dynastic period and Old Kingdom! 

We know that this piece is a funerary vase because of the inscription ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ that is on it! Starting an inscription ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ with โ€œRevered before *name of god*โ€ is a very common way to begin funerary inscriptions ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ!ย 

Funerary Vessel Painted to Imitate Stone
Inscribed Funerary Vessel Painted to Imitate Stone on display at the Brooklyn Museum

Letโ€™s take a closer look: 

๐“„ช๐“๐“‡Œ – Revered 

๐“๐“‚‹ – Before

๐“น๐“Šฉ๐“€ญ – Osiris

๐“ƒ‚๐“ˆ– – Wab Priest (can also be written as ๐“ƒ‚๐“ˆ— or ๐“ƒ‚) 

๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ– – Amun

All together, the inscription ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ reads โ€œRevered Before Osiris, the Wab Priest of Amunโ€ฆโ€ – then I canโ€™t see the rest of it! 

In ancient Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–, the Wab Priest ๐“ƒ‚๐“ˆ– was the most common type of priest and they performed the tasks of maintaining the temples ๐“‰Ÿ๐“๐“‰๐“ช and could be placed in charge of funerals. This was considered to be the lowest class of priests. The Middle Egyptian word, โ€œGodโ€™s Servant ๐“Šน๐“›โ€ usually referred to the High Priests. 

This piece is dated to the late 18th – early 19th dynasties! 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.ย 

@ancientegyptblogย onย Instagramย andย TikTok!

Reading Hieroglyphs

Relief of Thutmosis III – Video

Letโ€™s Read some Hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช on this relief of Thutmosis III ๐“…๐“„ ๐“‹ด!


Letโ€™s Read some Hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! Here is a very nice raised relief in limestone ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ™๐“Œ‰ which depicts pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป Thutmosis III ๐“…๐“„ ๐“‹ด wearing the blue crown ๐“†ฃ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ™๐“‹™ (left). He can be identified based off of the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช of his name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– that appear to his right. We are going to start reading from the right since that is the way the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช point! Here are the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช broken down: ๐“Šน๐“„ค – The Great God ๐“ŽŸ๐“‡ฟ๐“‡ฟ – Lord of the Two Lands ๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ – Menkheperra (Thutmosis IIIโ€™s throne name) Also on the right is the remnant of another person – most likely the pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป Hatshepsut ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“Žน๐“๐“„‚๐“๐“€ผ๐“ช (a portion of a shoulder and a crown are seen, so the presence of the crown allows us to infer that it is in fact another royal figure). What is super interesting about this piece is that the images ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“ฆ of the pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฆ that are carved are not the actual pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฆ themselves, but statues ๐“„š๐“ˆ–๐“๐“ญ๐“€พ๐“ช of them! This relief is depicting a religious precession that took place at Hatshepsutโ€™s ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“Žน๐“๐“„‚๐“๐“€ผ๐“ช mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri ๐“‚ฆ๐“‚‹๐“‚ฆ๐“ฅ๐“‰. This piece was excavated from the temple and is dated to c. 1478-1458 B.C.E. This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt #letsreadsomehieroglyphs #languagelearning #egyptology #hieroglyphics #hieroglyphs #egyptianhistory #brooklynmuseum

โ™ฌ original sound – ancientegyptblog Nicole Lesar

Here is a very nice raised relief in limestone ๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ™๐“Œ‰ which depicts pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป Thutmosis III ๐“…๐“„ ๐“‹ด wearing the blue crown ๐“†ฃ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ™๐“‹™ (left). He can be identified based off of the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช of his name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– that appear to his right. 

We are going to start reading from the right since that is the way the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช point! Here are the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช broken down: 

๐“Šน๐“„ค – The Great God

๐“ŽŸ๐“‡ฟ๐“‡ฟ – Lord of the Two Lands

๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ – Menkheperra (Thutmosis IIIโ€™s throne name) 

Also on the right is the remnant of another person – most likely the pharaoh ๐“‰๐“‰ป Hatshepsut ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“Žน๐“๐“„‚๐“๐“€ผ๐“ช (a portion of a shoulder and a crown are seen, so the presence of the crown allows us to infer that it is in fact another royal figure). 

What is super interesting about this piece is that the images ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“ฆ of the pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฆ that are carved are not the actual pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป๐“ฆ themselves, but statues ๐“„š๐“ˆ–๐“๐“ญ๐“€พ๐“ช of them! This relief is depicting a religious precession that took place at Hatshepsutโ€™s ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“Žน๐“๐“„‚๐“๐“€ผ๐“ช mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri ๐“‚ฆ๐“‚‹๐“‚ฆ๐“ฅ๐“‰. This piece was excavated from the temple and is dated to c. 1478-1458 B.C.E. 

This relief of Thutmosis III ๐“‡ณ๐“ ๐“†ฃ is on display at the Brooklyn Museum.

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. 

@ancientegyptblog on Instagram and TikTok

Reading Hieroglyphs

Tomb in Hieroglyphs

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!ย Today ๐“‡๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ we are going to look at one of the ways to write โ€œtomb ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰๐“บโ€ in hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!

Tomb in Hieroglyphs
Can you spot the word for “tomb ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰๐“บ” in hieroglyphs?

Letโ€™s break down each of the symbols:ย 

The โ€œreed ๐“‡‹โ€ is a uniliteral phonogram for โ€œฤฑอ— (y),โ€ however it can also function as an ideogram for the word โ€œreed ๐“‡‹๐“บ.โ€

The โ€œbundle of reeds ๐“‡ฉโ€ is a biliteral phonogram that represents the sound โ€œjz.โ€

The โ€œdoorbolt ๐“Šƒโ€ symbol is a uniliteral phonogram which represents the sound โ€œzโ€ or โ€œs.โ€ Itโ€™s also the ideogram for the word โ€œdoorbolt.โ€ 

The โ€œschematic house plan ๐“‰โ€œ symbol is a biliteral phonogram for the sound โ€œpr,โ€ but it can also function as an ideogram for the word โ€œhouse ๐“‰๐“บ.โ€ This symbol is commonly used as a determinative for words that have to do with buildings (like our word of the day – tomb ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰) or places (Duat ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰). 

The โ€œstroke ๐“บโ€ has many different uses but here it is used for aesthetic purposes! The โ€œstroke ๐“บโ€ is used to fill up that extra space after the โ€œ๐“‰โ€ symbol and can almost be thought of as punctuation!ย 

Tomb in Hieroglyphs
The word “tomb” is highlighted in blue! Were you able to spot it in the first photo?

So how would โ€œ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰๐“บโ€ be pronounced? ๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰๐“บ would actually be said like โ€œis.โ€ In Middle Egyptian, a bunch of the written words repeat sounds, but the repeated sounds arenโ€™t pronounced at all. Itโ€™s like how โ€œ๐“„คโ€ and โ€œ๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹โ€ are both still pronounced โ€œnfrโ€ even though the sounds repeat in the word. 

Here are some other variants/ways to write โ€œtombโ€ in hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช: 

๐“‡‹๐“‡ฉ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ – (without the stroke)

๐“‰๐“†– – Mastaba (House of Eternity)

๐“‚๐“‚๐“‰ด – Tomb/Mastaba

๐“„ฟ๐“‚๐“‚๐“‰ด – Tomb/Mastaba

๐“„ฟ๐“Ž›๐“Œธ – Tomb Shaft

๐“…œ๐“๐“ˆŒ๐“‰ – Tomb of a King, Horizon

๐“€ป๐“‹ด๐“‰ – Tomb Chapel

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost without permission.

@ancientegyptblogย on Instagram and TikTok

Reading Hieroglyphs

The Four Sons of Horus on a Sarcophagus

This beautiful ๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹ sarcophagus ๐“ŽŸ๐“‹น๐“ˆ–๐“๐“Šญ at the Brooklyn Museum shows the goddess ๐“Šน๐“ Nephthys ๐“ŽŸ๐“๐“‰—๐“๐“†‡ with the Four Sons of Horus! The Four Sons of Horus were an integral part of ancient Egyptian religion – usually in a funerary aspect so it makes sense that they would appear on a sarcophagus ๐“ŽŸ๐“‹น๐“ˆ–๐“๐“Šญ! 

The Four Sons of Horus usually appeared as the lids of canopic jars, which were the jars used to store the organs ๐“‡‹๐“‚ง๐“‚‹๐“„น๐“ฆ of a deceased ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ person during the mummification ๐“‹ด๐“‚ง๐“๐“…ฑ๐“Ž process. When they appears as amulets ๐“Š๐“Šช๐“…†๐“ช or on sarcophagi ๐“ŽŸ๐“‹น๐“ˆ–๐“๐“Šญ๐“ฅ, the Four Sons of Horus served as protectors ๐“…“๐“‚๐“Žก๐“€œ of the dead ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ.ย 

The Four Sons of Horus on a Sarcophagus

The Four Sons of Horus are easy to recognize because they usually appear together in funerary art! Another way to recognize them is by reading their names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ! 

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! Something interesting about this sarcophagus ๐“ŽŸ๐“‹น๐“ˆ–๐“๐“Šญ is the way the names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ of the Four Sons of Horus are spelled! The spellings of the names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ here are some interesting variants that arenโ€™t seen too often! We will start reading from the left! 

Hapi ๐“‘๐“Šช๐“‡Œ(can also be spelled ๐“Ž›๐“‘๐“Šช๐“‡Œ๐“€ญ) had the head of a baboon and he protected the lungs ๐“Šƒ๐“Œด๐“„ฅ๐“…ฑ๐“„บ. 

Imseti ๐“๐“Šƒ๐“ฟ (can also be spelled ๐“‡‹๐“…“๐“Šƒ๐“ฟ๐“€ญ/๐“‡‹๐“๐“‹ด๐“˜๐“‡‹ ) had the head of a human and he protected the liver ๐“…“๐“Šƒ๐“๐“„น๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ธ. 

Duamutef ๐“‡ผ๐“‚Ÿ๐“…๐“๐“ˆ–๐“†‘(can also be spelled ๐“‡ผ๐“…๐“๐“†‘๐“€ญ/๐“‡ผ๐“‚Ÿ๐“๐“†‘) had the head of a jackal and he protected the stomach ๐“‚‹๐“„ฃ๐“ป. 

Qebehsenuef ๐“๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ–๐“Œข๐“๐“ฅ๐“†‘(can also be spelled ๐“๐“Œข๐“Œข๐“Œข๐“†‘๐“€ญ) had the head of a Falcon and he protected the intestines ๐“ˆ–๐“Šช๐“…ฎ๐“„ฟ๐“ฒ๐“ผ. 

Can you spot all of the names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ in the inscription ๐“Ž˜๐“…ฑ๐“Ž–? 

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

@ancientegyptblog on Instagram and TikTok


Mummy Case of Nespanetjerenpere – Video


There are so many beautiful ๐“„ค images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน on this mummiform coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ! Who are some of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน and goddesses ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“ you can see?! Let me know in the comments! This coffin is made of cartonnage, which is a material that is made when linen ๐“ฑ or papyrus ๐“ฏ๐“‡… mixed with plaster! This is from the Third Intermediate Period, and dates from the 22nd – 25th Dynasties. This mummy case ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ belonged to a priest ๐“Šน๐“› named Nespanetjerenpere. While to many the images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช may seem like random pictures of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน, it is actually a collection of carefully selected religious symbols meant to help guide Nespanetjerenpere on his journey to the afterlife ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰ and and ensure rebirth ๐“„Ÿ๐“ฟ๐“…ฑ. This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt #egyptology #ancientegyptblog #hieroglyphics #egitto #์ด์ง‘ํŠธ #egyptianhistory #anticoegitto #egyptologist #egyptianmythology #brooklynmuseum

โ™ฌ snowfall – ร˜neheart & reidenshi

There are so many beautiful ๐“„ค images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน on this mummiform coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ! Who are some of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน and goddesses ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“ you can see?! Let me know in the comments! 

This coffin is made of cartonnage, which is a material that is made when linen ๐“ฑ or papyrus ๐“ฏ๐“‡… mixed with plaster! This is from the Third Intermediate Period, and dates from the 22nd – 25th Dynasties. 

This mummy case ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ belonged to a priest ๐“Šน๐“› named Nespanetjerenpere. While to many the images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช may seem like random pictures of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน, it is actually a collection of carefully selected religious symbols meant to help guide Nespanetjerenpere on his journey to the afterlife ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰ and and ensure rebirth ๐“„Ÿ๐“ฟ๐“…ฑ. 

Watch my previous video for a better look at the front! 

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. 


Reading Hieroglyphs

Nephthys in Hieroglyphs

Letโ€™s read some hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช! Today ๐“‡๐“‡‹๐“ˆ–๐“‡ณ we are going to be looking at the name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– of the goddess ๐“Šน๐“ Nephthys ๐“‰ ! Luckily, this sarcophagus at the Brooklyn Museum has her name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– written in two ways!ย 

Nephthys in Hieroglyphs
Nephthys in Hieroglyphs on a sarcophagus at the Brooklyn Museum

Most commonly, the type of symbol that is used in Nephthysโ€™ ๐“‰  name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– is called a Composite Hieroglyph. A Composite Hieroglyphic symbol is a symbol that is the combination of multiple phonographic symbols into a single glyph. 

The three ๐“ผ symbols โ€œ๐“ŽŸ๐“๐“‰—โ€ can be combined to make the โ€œ๐“‰ โ€ symbol! In statuary and funerary art, the crown on her head ๐“ถ๐“บ is the composite hieroglyph ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ that is used to write her name (๐“‰ ), which makes Nephthys ๐“‰ ๐“๐“†‡ very easy to identify in tomb art/funerary art. Since the goddess depicted on this sarcophagus is wearing the โ€œ๐“‰ โ€ on her head, we know itโ€™s Nephthys! 

But what if she wasnโ€™t wearing the crown? How would we know it was Nephthys ๐“‰  that is depicted? Luckily, most ancient Egyptian funerary art came with โ€œcaptionsโ€ – usually the name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– of the deity was written next to them! In this case, we can see Nephthysโ€™ full name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– written out as โ€œ๐“ŽŸ๐“๐“‰—๐“๐“†‡โ€ right next to her face! 

Here are the two ways we see Nephthysโ€™ name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– in hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช on the sarcophagus:ย 



Some other variants of Nephthysโ€™ name ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ– are: 

๐“‰ ๐“๐“†‡

๐“‰ ๐“



This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 



Mummy Case of Nespanetjerenpere – Video

Only here on ancientegyptblog will you hear someone say โ€œLook at how gorgeous this is ๐“„ค๐“†‘๐“‚‹๐“…ฑ๐“ญ๐“‡‘๐“‡‘โ€ about a coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ or other type of funerary object! Be sure to watch the video to see all of the details on the front of this wonderful coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ!


There are so many beautiful ๐“„ค images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน on this mummiform coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ! Who are some of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน and goddesses ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“ you can see?! Let me know in the comments! This coffin is made of cartonnage, which is a material that is made when linen ๐“ฑ or papyrus ๐“ฏ๐“‡… mixed with plaster! This is from the Third Intermediate Period, and dates from the 22nd – 25th Dynasties. This mummy case ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ belonged to a priest ๐“Šน๐“› named Nespanetjerenpere. While to many the images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช may seem like random pictures of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน, it is actually a collection of carefully selected religious symbols meant to help guide Nespanetjerenpere on his journey to the afterlife ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰ and and ensure rebirth ๐“„Ÿ๐“ฟ๐“…ฑ. This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt #egyptology #ancientegyptblog #hieroglyphics #egitto #์ด์ง‘ํŠธ #egyptianhistory #anticoegitto #egyptologist #egyptianmythology #brooklynmuseum

โ™ฌ snowfall – ร˜neheart & reidenshi

There are so many beautiful ๐“„ค images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน on this mummiform coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ! This coffin is made of cartonnage, which is a material that is made when linen ๐“ฑ or papyrus ๐“ฏ๐“‡… mixed with plaster! 

This is from the Third Intermediate Period, and dates from the 22nd – 25th Dynasties. 

This mummy case ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ belonged to a priest ๐“Šน๐“› named Nespanetjerenpere. While to many the images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช may seem like random pictures of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน, it is actually a collection of carefully selected religious symbols meant to help guide Nespanetjerenpere on his journey to the afterlife ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰ and and ensure rebirth ๐“„Ÿ๐“ฟ๐“…ฑ. 

Mummy case of Nespanetjerenpere at the Brooklyn Museum

The ram headed pendant on his chest is meant to represent the sun ๐“‡ณ god ๐“Šน Raโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“› journey across the sky ๐“Šช๐“๐“‡ฏ during the day ๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“บ๐“‡ณ – and through the netherworld ๐“‡ผ๐“„ฟ๐“๐“‰ at night ๐“Žผ๐“‚‹๐“Ž›๐“„›. The images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน can almost be thought of as the picture-book version of the Book of the Dead ๐“‰๐“‚‹๐“๐“‚ป๐“…“๐“‰”๐“‚‹๐“ฒ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“ผ๐“บ. 

While the images ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ช of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน are so delicately drawn, the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช going down the middle of the coffin ๐“…ฑ๐“‡‹๐“€พ seem to be unfinished and roughly done. 

Mummy case of Nespanetjerenpere showing the hieroglyphs and images of the gods.

The hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช show the very standard offering formula:

๐“‡“๐“๐“Šต๐“™ – An Offering the King Gives 

๐“Šฉ๐“น – Osiris

๐“… – Foremost 

๐“‹€๐“๐“๐“ˆŠ – West

The inscription reads: โ€œAn Offering the King Gives Osiris, Foremost of the West.โ€

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost without permission.


Egyptian Artifacts

Stela of Rameses II

This is a large sandstone stela ๐“Ž—๐“…ฑ๐“†“๐“‰ธ of Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ on display at the Brooklyn Museum.ย ย 

Stela of Rameses II
Stela of Rameses II on display at the Brooklyn Museum!

The hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช talk about how Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ founded the town of Meriamun, and how he established the cult of Amun ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ– there. The stela ๐“Ž—๐“…ฑ๐“†“๐“‰ธ was a way to commemorate Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ presenting statues ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ๐“ช to the temple ๐“‰Ÿ๐“๐“‰ of Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“บ๐“‡ณ. 

The image ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“ shows (from left to right) Mut ๐“๐“„ฟ๐“€ญ, Amun ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–, and Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“. Rameses II can be seen wearing the blue crown, also known as the khepresh ๐“†ฃ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ™๐“‹™ crown which was very popular among New Kingdom pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป! 

Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ is receiving symbols of kingship (the crook ๐“‹พ) from the god ๐“Šน Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“บ๐“‡ณ. This is meant to represent that Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“บ๐“‡ณ saw Rameses II ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ as a legitimate and rightful ruler! The pharaohs ๐“‰๐“‰ป believed that they were direct descendants of Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“บ๐“‡ณ (in the 18th – 19th Dynasties Amun ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–/Amun-Ra ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“บ๐“‡ณ kind of replaces Horus ๐“…ƒ๐“€ญ in popularity as king ๐“‡“ of the gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน) and that they were gods ๐“Šน๐“Šน๐“Šน on Earth.ย 

It was also really cool that five ๐“พ of Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ appear on this stela ๐“Ž—๐“…ฑ๐“†“๐“‰ธ!ย These names appear on the top two rows of the hieroglyphs ๐“Šน๐“Œƒ๐“ช!

Here are Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡‹๐“ ๐“ˆ–๐“ˆ˜๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ five ๐“พ names ๐“‚‹๐“ˆ–๐“ฆ:ย 

๐“ƒ’๐“‚ก๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“€ญ๐“Œธ๐“‡Œ – Horus ๐“…ƒ Name (The Strong Bull, Beloved of Ra) 

๐“…–๐“Žก๐“†Ž๐“๐“Š–๐“…ฑ๐“‚๐“†‘๐“ฒ๐“‚ก๐“ˆŠ๐“๐“ฆ – Nebty ๐“…’ Name (Protector of Egypt Who Curbs Foreign Landsโ€)

๐“Œ‚๐“๐“‚ก๐“„˜๐“‚ง๐“‚‹๐“‚ก๐“Œ”๐“๐“€๐“ป – Golden Horus ๐“…‰ Name (โ€œPowerful of Arm, He Who Has Subdued the Nine Bowsโ€)

๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– – Throne Name (โ€œThe Justice of Ra is powerful, Chosen of Raโ€)

๐“ฉ๐“›๐“ˆ˜๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“‡“ – Birth Name (โ€œRa has fashioned him, beloved of Amunโ€)

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 



“It’s A Small World” Hippo

The first time I ever went to Disney World, I went with my Nonno and Nonna when I was four years old! When we went on โ€œItโ€™s a Small World,โ€ I fell in love with the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ that winks at you! The hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ became my favorite part of the ride, and even to this day, I look forward to seeing the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ! And yes Iโ€™m sure this is an unpopular opinion but I LOVE going on โ€œItโ€™s a Small World!โ€ Itโ€™s one of my favorites! Iโ€™m not going to lie – I still to this day will wink back at the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ!ย 

"It's A Small World" Hippo
The hippo from “It’s a Small World” (top) and an ancient Egyptian hippo from the Brooklyn Museum

When I started studying ancient Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– with my Nonno around when I was six years old, I always loved the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ statues ๐“๐“…ฑ๐“๐“€พ๐“ช because they reminded me of the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ on โ€œItโ€™s a Small World!โ€ Itโ€™s amazing how I loved the hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ even before I started studying ancient Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š–! 

A lot of the hippos ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ๐“ฆ from ancient Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– have lotus flowers ๐“†ธ๐“ช painted all over them to associate them with rejuvenation! The hippos ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ๐“ฆ are most likely painted blue/green ๐“‡…๐“†“๐“› to represent the Nile ๐“‡‹๐“๐“‚‹๐“…ฑ๐“ˆ—๐“ˆ˜๐“ˆ‡๐“บ and rebirth. Whatโ€™s really cool is that the โ€œItโ€™s a Small Worldโ€ hippo ๐“Œ‰๐“๐“ƒฏ also has flowers painted on it and is also that blue/green ๐“‡…๐“†“๐“› color!ย 

"It's A Small World"
A girl sitting on a “solar barge” in “It’s A Small World” at Walt Disney World!

I have also included the other scene that represents Egypt ๐“†Ž๐“…“๐“๐“Š– in the ride – thereโ€™s a girl sitting in a boat that resembles Raโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“บ๐“› solar barge ๐“‚ง๐“Šช๐“๐“Šž, pyramids ๐“‹๐“…“๐“‚‹๐“‰ด๐“ฆ and a sphinx ๐“Ž›๐“…ฑ๐“ƒญ๐“ค!ย 

"It's A Small World"
The sphinx and pyramids in “It’s A Small World” at Walt Disney World!

ย I hope youโ€™re enjoying my โ€œAncient Egypt in Disneyโ€ series!

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost.ย 



Wooden Ushabti of Rameses II – Video

Wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ Ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ of Rameses II ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– (New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1292-1190 B.C.E.). 


Wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ Ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ of Rameses II ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– (New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1292-1190 B.C.E.). The text ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ on the ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is a version of the โ€œShabti Spellโ€ from Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead. This spell gives the ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ the power to complete tasks (farming, manual labor, etc) for the deceased ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ in the Field of Reeds ๐“‡๐“๐“ˆ…๐“‡‹๐“„ฟ๐“‚‹๐“…ฑ๐“†ฐ๐“Š–. This ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is mummiform meaning that it looks like a mummy/the god ๐“Šน Osiris ๐“น๐“Šจ๐“€ญ! The ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is holding a holding the crook ๐“‹พ and flail ๐“Œ… and is wearing the nemes head cloth ๐“ˆ–๐“…“๐“‹ด. Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ was plundered in the 20th Dynasty, and only three ๐“ผ of his wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ figures remain! In 1049 B.C.E., the High Priest of Amun ordered Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– mummy ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ be moved from his original tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ and to the Royal Cache, a place where many royal ๐“‹พ mummies ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ๐“ช were re-buried in order to protect the mummies ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ๐“ช from tomb robbers. While the provenance of this ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is unknown, it is assumed that it was originally from Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– original tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ (KV 7). This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. #ancientEgypt #ancientegyptblog #egyptology #egitto #egyptianhistory #anticoegitto #egyptologist #brooklynmuseum #egyptology #ushabti #shabti

โ™ฌ original sound – ancientegyptblog Nicole Lesar

The text ๐“Ÿ๐“›๐“ฅ on the ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is a version of the โ€œShabti Spellโ€ from Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead. This spell gives the ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ the power to complete tasks (farming, manual labor, etc) for the deceased ๐“…“๐“๐“ฑ in the Field of Reeds ๐“‡๐“๐“ˆ…๐“‡‹๐“„ฟ๐“‚‹๐“…ฑ๐“†ฐ๐“Š–. 

Wooden Ushabti of Rameses II
Me with the Wooden Ushabti of Rameses II at the Brooklyn Museum

This ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is mummiform meaning that it looks like a mummy/the god ๐“Šน Osiris ๐“น๐“Šจ๐“€ญ! The ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is holding a holding the crook ๐“‹พ and flail ๐“Œ… and is wearing the  nemes head cloth ๐“ˆ–๐“…“๐“‹ด. 

Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ was plundered in the 20th Dynasty, and only three ๐“ผ of his wooden ๐“†ฑ๐“๐“บ ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ figures remain! 

In 1049 B.C.E., the High Priest of Amun ordered Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– mummy ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ be moved from his original tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ and to the Royal Cache, a place where many royal ๐“‹พ mummies ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ๐“ช were re-buried in order to protect the mummies ๐“‡‹๐“น๐“…ฑ๐“€พ๐“ช from tomb robbers. 

While the provenance of this ushabti ๐“†ท๐“„ฟ๐“ฏ๐“ƒ€๐“๐“ฎ๐“€พ is unknown, it is assumed that it was originally from Rameses IIโ€™s ๐“‡ณ๐“„Š๐“ง๐“‡ณ๐“‰๐“ˆ– original tomb ๐“‡‹๐“ซ๐“Šƒ๐“‰ (KV 7). 

Wooden Ushabti of Rameses II
Wooden Ushabti of Rameses II on display at the Brooklyn Museum

This is my personal video and original text. DO NOT repost. 
