Egyptian Artifacts

Sistrum with the Face of Hathor

Hathor 𓉑 is one of the most prominent goddesses π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ of the Egyptian pantheon. Along with Isis π“Š¨π“π“₯, she is regarded as the β€œGod’s mother π“…π“π“ŠΉβ€ of the pharaoh 𓉐𓉻, but is also the goddess π“ŠΉπ“ of love π“ˆ˜π“, joy 𓄫𓄣𓏏, music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ, and dance π“‚‹π“…±π“‚»- basically the fun things in life!Β 

Two sistrums with Hathor’s face on them at the Louvre

In some variations of Egyptian mythology, Hathor 𓉑 is also the wife 𓂑𓏏𓁐 of Horus π“…ƒπ“€­, and the daughter 𓅭𓏏 of Ra 𓇳𓏺𓁛. Hathor 𓉑 is usually associated with cows 𓄀𓆑𓂋𓏏𓃒π“ͺ and can take the form of a cow 𓄀𓆑𓂋𓏏𓃒 in many forms of Egyptian art. 

The piece above is a sistrum π“Šƒπ“ˆ™π“ˆ™π“π“£, which is a musical instrument from ancient Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–. A sistrum π“Šƒπ“ˆ™π“ˆ™π“π“£ was a musical instrument that is similar to a modern rattle or tambourine. Since Hathor 𓉑 was the goddess π“ŠΉπ“ of music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ, she was portrayed on most sistrums π“Šƒπ“ˆ™π“ˆ™π“π“£π“ͺ in her human form! However, even though Hathor 𓉑 is represented as a woman π“Šƒπ“π“‚‘π“π“, she is recognized easily because of her characteristic cow 𓄀𓆑𓂋𓏏𓃒 ears! 

Music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ was essential to many religious rituals, so it was considered to be extremely important! There is even a word in Middle Egyptian just for β€œSistrum Player/Music Priest: π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡‹π“Œ‚β€!!! 

I love music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ and it is something that brings me so much joy 𓄫𓄣𓏏! I love how Hathor 𓉑 is associated with both of these things, because I do truly think that music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ and joy 𓄫𓄣𓏏 are linked together π“ˆ–π“Š— – and I’m sure that the ancient Egyptian people did too!

BTS 𓃀𓏏𓋴 and Il Volo 𓇋𓃭 𓆑𓍯𓃭𓍯 are my absolute favorite artists and I love π“ˆ˜π“ listening to their music π“‡‹π“Ž›π“‡Œ! What I love π“ˆ˜π“ about BTS 𓃀𓏏𓋴 most are their lyrics – they have written some truly beautiful π“„€ songs!Β 


“First Love”

I’ve had this written for a while but haven’t posted it because it is very feelings-y and very different from my usual posts. I am a huge fan of the group BTS. They are a Korean boy band whose music has basically gotten me through 2020. While I love all of their music, one of their songs has really struck a chord with me because it basically puts my feelings about ancient Egypt into words. The song is called β€œFirst Love” and it is written and performed by Min Yoongi (aka SUGA). While you would expect a song with this title to be about a person, it is in fact about Yoongi’s love for the piano from a very young age and his lifelong journey with his childhood piano.

I have always called Ancient Egypt my β€œfirst love” so when I listened to the song and I read the translation I immediately related to it. While I am passionate about many things, Egypt is always the thing that I will return to because Egypt’s history is just something I love so deeply. Throughout my life, I have so many beautiful memories in my Nonnoβ€˜s basement looking through his books and staring up at the bookcases hoping to one day be able to read every single word that they contain. So many memories of listening to my Nonno explain the significance of each piece in museums. These feelings of childish wonder are emotions that I always wish to return to.

β€œWhen I was fed up and lost, Back then when I fell into a pit of despair, Even when I pushed you away, Even when I resented meeting you, You were firmly by my side, You didn’t have to say anything, So don’t ever let go of my hand, I won’t let you go ever again either, My birth and the end of my life, You will be there to watch over it all” -First Love

I feel like a picture of me with my favorite Hatshepsut π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“π“„‚π“π“€Όπ“ͺ statue is appropriate for this type of post! I’m 16 in this picture!


BTS and Ancient Egypt!

μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš” – Hello!!

So this is going to be a different type of post but that’s okay! Namjoon 남쀀 from BTS λ°©νƒ„μ†Œλ…„λ‹¨ posted a picture at the Temple of Dendur at the MET! As many of you know, this is one of my absolute favorite places and I was very excited to see that I actually have a picture 𓏏𓅱𓏏 in the same exact spot as him! Namjoon 남쀀 loves museums and is a big supporter of the arts – just like me!

I discovered BTS λ°©νƒ„μ†Œλ…„λ‹¨ during quarantine in 2020 after my Nonno passed away and their music (plus their TV shows etc.) have been a huge comfort for me. I love their music and I love their message – so much so that I am trying my hardest to learn some Korean ν•œκ΅­μ–΄ so I can listen to their music without needing as many translations. Writing about ancient Egypt and BTS λ°©νƒ„μ†Œλ…„λ‹¨ have been my ways to try to healthily cope with my Nonno’s death, which is still something I am having difficulty processing.

Some history on the Temple of Dendur: The temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ was actually commissioned by Augustus 𓉐𓉻𓀀 and building was completed by 10 B.C. Dendur is located in Nubia, and is just south 𓇔𓅱𓏏 of Aswan π“‹΄π“ƒΉπ“ˆ–π“Œπ“²π“Š–. Even though the temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ was built by Augustus 𓉐𓉻𓀀, it definitely follows Egyptian style and not Roman style. The temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ was primarily used to worship the goddess π“ŠΉπ“ Isis π“Š¨π“π“₯.

κ°μ‚¬ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€ – Thank You!