Reading Hieroglyphs

Montuhotep II’s Birth Name

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! Today we are going to be looking at the birth name cartouche π“ π“ˆ–π“ˆ™π“· for the Middle Kingdom pharaoh Montuhotep II π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ!

Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ name is a combination of two different Middle Egyptian words! Let’s break down the two words:

π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± – Montu (𓏠 – mn) (π“ˆ– – n) (𓍿- t) (π“…± – u/w)
π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ – Hotep (π“Š΅ – htp) (𓏏 – t) (π“Šͺ – p)

Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± refers to of the falcon π“ƒ€π“‡‹π“Ž‘π“…„ headed god π“ŠΉ of war who was mainly worshipped 𓇼𓄿𓀒 in Thebes π“Œ€π“π“Š–. The word β€œhotep/htp π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ” translates to the word β€œsatisfied” or β€œcontent.” The word β€œhotep/htp π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ” can also mean β€œoffering” or β€œpeace!” The name π“‚‹π“ˆ– Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ means β€œMontu is satisfied” or β€œMontu is content.”

Montuhotep II
The birth name cartouche of the Middle Kingdom pharaoh Montuhotep II

Let’s take a closer look at the symbols!

The β€œπ“  game board and pieces” is a biliteral phonogram. The β€œ 𓏠” is associated with the sound β€œmn” which could be pronounced like β€œmen,” β€œmun,” β€œmon,” etc.

The β€œripple of water π“ˆ–β€ is a uniliteral phonogram associated with the sound of β€œn!” Here it is a phonetic complement!

The β€œπ“Ώ hobble/tie” is a uniliteral phonogram sign associated with the sounds of β€œαΉ―β€ or β€œt.”

The β€œQuail Chick 𓅱” is uniliteral phonogram that is representative of the sound w/u.

The β€œbread loaf on mat π“Š΅β€ symbol is a triliteral phonogram for the sound β€œαΈ₯tp” and is also an ideogram for β€œoffering slab” which is also associated with the sound β€œαΈ₯tp.”

The β€œflat loaf of bread 𓏏” is a uniliteral phonogram used to represent the sound β€œt.” Here it is a phonetic complement!

The β€œstool π“Šͺ” symbol is a uniliteral phonogram for the sound β€œp.” Here it is a phonetic complement!

Read about Montuhotep II’s Throne Name in this post!

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Follow me @ancientegyptblog on Instagram and TikTok to learn all about ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs, mythology, culture and more!

Reading Hieroglyphs

Montuhotep II’s Throne Name – Nebhapetra

Let’s read some Hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! Today we are going to be looking at the throne name cartouche π“ π“ˆ–π“ˆ™π“· for the Middle Kingdom pharaoh Montuhotep II! While Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ is his birth name π“‚‹π“ˆ–, the cartouche π“ π“ˆ–π“ˆ™π“· we are looking at in the picture 𓏏𓅱𓏏 is his throne name π“‚‹π“ˆ–, which is β€œNebhapetra π“‡³π“ŽŸπ“Š€.”

The throne name cartouche of Montuhotep II which reads “Nebhapetra”

Let’s look even closer at the individual glyphs!
𓇳 – Ra
π“ŽŸ – β€œNeb” (nb)
π“Š€ – β€œHapet” (αΈ«rw or αΈ₯jpt)

The β€œπ“‡³ sun disc” symbol is an ideogram for β€œra” or β€œre,” but can also be a determinative in words such as sun 𓆄𓅱𓇳, today π“‡π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“‡³, and for words associated with time. The single symbol alone (like in cartouches) would be pronounced like β€œra” or β€œre.” Re is written first but pronounced last due to β€œhonorific transposition” – the name of the god is written first out of respect.

The β€œπ“Ž  basket” is a biliteral phonogram symbol that has the sound of β€œnb,” which is inferred to be pronounced like β€œneb.” The π“ŽŸ alone can also mean the common words β€œLord,” β€œPossessor,” and β€œAll.”

The β€œoar π“Š€β€ symbol is a triliteral phonogram or an ideogram. As a triliteral it represents the sound β€œαΈ«rw,” and as an ideogram for β€œoar” it represents the sound β€œαΈ₯jpt” which is the sound used in this case!

So all π“ŽŸ together his name π“‚‹π“ˆ– means β€œPossessor of the Oar of Ra.”
𓇳 – Ra
π“ŽŸ – Possessor
π“Š€ – Oar

This raised relief is originally from Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri. This relief was part of one of the main areas of the temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ that was added at the end of Montuhotep’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ reign π“‹Ύ. This dates the relief to c. 2010–2000 B.C.E. (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11).

Read about Montuhotep II’s Birth Name in this post!

This is my personal photograph and original text. DO NOT repost. 

Follow me @ancientegyptblogΒ onΒ InstagramΒ andΒ TikTokΒ to learn all about ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs, mythology, culture and more!

Reading Hieroglyphs Video

Cartouches of Montuhotep II – Video

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! Today we are going to learn about the Cartouches of Montuhotep II!

In the hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ, you can see Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ birth name and throne name (both with titles). 

π“†₯(π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ) – King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Montuhotep II (Birth Name)

𓅭𓇳(π“‡³π“Š€π“ŽŸ) – Son of Ra, Nebhapetra (Throne Name)

Let’s look even closer at the individual glyphs!

Cartouches of Montuhotep II
The Throne Name cartouche of the pharaoh Montuhotep II

𓇳 – Ra

π“ŽŸ – β€œNeb” (nb)

π“Š€ – β€œHapet” (αΈ«rw or αΈ₯jpt)

Cartouches of Montuhotep II
The Birth Name cartouche of the pharaoh Montuhotep II

Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ is his birth name/given name π“‚‹π“ˆ–! 

Let’s look even closer at the individual glyphs!

π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± – Montu (𓏠 – mn) (π“ˆ– – n) (𓍿- t) (π“…± – u/w)

π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ – Hotep (π“Š΅ – htp) (𓏏 – t) (π“Šͺ – p) 

This raised relief is originally from Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri. This relief was part of one of the main areas of the temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ that was added at the end of Montuhotep’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ reign π“‹Ύ. This dates the relief to c. 2010–2000 B.C.E. (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11).

Cartouches of Montuhotep II
Relief of Montuhotep II at the MET. Can you see the Cartouches of Montuhotep II on the full relief?

This is my personal video, photographs, and original text. DO NOT repost without permission.

Egyptian Artifacts

Limestone Relief for Montuhotep II

This is a raised relief carved in limestone for the 11th Dynasty pharaoh 𓉐𓉻 Mentuhotep III π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“Š΅π“π“Šͺ. His father 𓇋𓏏𓀀 reunited Upper and Lower Egypt, so Mentuhotep III π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“Š΅π“π“Šͺ inherited a mostly united Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–. He had a relatively short reign of 12 π“Ž†π“» years.

Limestone Relief for Montuhotep II at the Brooklyn Museum

What was most interesting when I was reading about Mentuhotep III π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“Š΅π“π“Šͺ was some of the superficial similarities to Hatshepsut π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“ŽΉπ“π“„‚π“π“€Όπ“ͺ!! During the 12 π“Ž†π“» years of his reign, he actually sent an expedition to Punt! He also started building a mortuary temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ at Deir el-Bahri, but it was never completed.

This raised relief is beautifully carved, and Mentuhotep III 𓇳𓋴𓋹𓂓 appears twice. On the left he is seen wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt π“‚§π“ˆ™π“‚‹π“π“‹”, and on the right he is wearing the nemes headdress π“ˆ–π“…“π“‹΄. In the middle is the goddess Iunyt, who was a consort of Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±, a war goddessπ“ŠΉπ“. Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± was worshipped widely during the 11th Dynasty.

Many think that this depicts Mentuhotep III’s 𓇳𓋴𓋹𓂓 desire for a sed festival in the 30th π“Ž†π“Ž†π“Ž† year of his reign, however he only ruled for 12 π“Ž†π“» years.

In the image below, I have highlighted one of my favorite ancient Egyptian phrases, π“™π“‹Ήπ“Š½π“Œ€π“†– β€œGiven eternal life, stability and strength.”

Reading Hieroglyphs

Limestone Relief of Montuhotep II

This limestone π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“ˆ™π“Œ‰ relief of Montuhotep II π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ (11th Dynasty) is gorgeous π“„€ because the hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ are so beautifully π“„€ carved! It’s amazing how pieces that are so old can be in such amazing condition!

This piece is interesting because the direction that you read the hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ from keeps changing! The two 𓏻 lines I’m going to translate are actually from different inscriptions!!

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ!

π“†₯𓅭𓇳(π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ)π“…’π“„₯π“‡Ώπ“‡Ώπ“™π“‹Ήπ“Š½π“Œ€ – β€œKing of Upper and Lower Egypt, Son of Ra, Montuhotep II, Uniter of the Two Lands, Given Life, Stability and Strength”

π“†“π“Œƒπ“‡‹π“ˆ–π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± – β€œWords Spoken By Montu”

The phrase π“…’π“„₯𓇿𓇿 β€œUniter of the Two Lands” is a variant of Mentuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ Nebty Name. The Nebty Name is honestly more of a title than a name. It means β€œtwo ladies” and that refers to the goddesses π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ Nekhbet π“‡‘π“ƒ€π“π“…π“ŽŸ and Wadjet π“‡…π“‡Œπ“π“†˜, who can both be represented by the hieroglyph β€œ π“…’.” Nekhbet π“‡‘π“ƒ€π“π“…π“ŽŸ is a goddess π“ŠΉπ“ of Upper Egypt and is represented by the vulture while Wadjet π“‡…π“‡Œπ“π“†˜ is a goddess π“ŠΉπ“ of Lower Egypt and is represented by the cobra. Showing the two 𓏻 goddesses π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ together represented a unified Egypt π“†Žπ“…“π“π“Š–.

Reading Hieroglyphs

Relief of Montuhotep II

This beautiful π“„€ raised relief of Montuhotep II π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ and the goddess π“ŠΉπ“ Hathor 𓉑 in limestone π“‡‹π“ˆ–π“ˆ™π“Œ‰ is originally from Montuhotep’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri 𓂦𓂋𓂦π“₯𓉐. This relief was part of one of the main areas of the temple that was added at the end of Montuhotep’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ reign. This dates the piece to c. 2010–2000 B.C.E. (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11).

Hathor’s 𓉑 face was actually chiseled away during the Amarna Period, when Akhenaten π“‡‹π“π“ˆ–π“‡³π“…œπ“π“ˆ– changed Egypt’s religion to the sole worship of the Aten π“‡‹π“π“ˆ–π“‡³. After Akhenaten’s π“‡‹π“π“ˆ–π“‡³π“…œπ“π“ˆ– reign, in Dynasty 19, some repairs were made to this piece.

In the hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ, you can see Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ birth name, throne name (both with titles), and Nebty name.

π“†₯(π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ) – King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Montuhotep II (Birth Name)

𓅭𓇳(π“‡³π“Š€π“ŽŸ) – Son of Ra, Nebhapetra (Throne Name)

π“„₯𓇿𓇿 – The Uniter of the Two Lands (Nebty π“…’ Name)

In front of Hathor 𓉑 the inscription reads: π“„₯π“ˆ–π“ˆ–π“Ž‘π“‡Ώπ“‡Ώπ“‡π“‡‹π“Ž—π“…±π“π“ˆ–π“…Ίπ“„«π“π“„£π“ŽŸ which translates to β€œFor you I united the two lands as the powers commanded, all joy.”

Reading Hieroglyphs

Montuhotep II – Birth Name Cartouche

π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ – Montuhotep II

Same relief from yesterday, but different hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ! Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ!

Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ is his birth name/given name π“‚‹π“ˆ–, and that is the cartouche we will be looking at today!

π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ – Montuhotep II

Let’s look even closer at the individual words!

π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± – Montu (𓏠 – mn) (π“ˆ– – n) (𓍿- t) (π“…± – u/w)
π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ – Hotep (π“Š΅ – htp) (𓏏 – t) (π“Šͺ – p)

Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± refers to one of the gods π“ŠΉπ“ŠΉπ“ŠΉ in the Egyptian pantheon. Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± was a falcon π“ƒ€π“‡‹π“Ž‘π“…„ headed god π“ŠΉ of war who was mainly worshipped 𓇼𓄿𓀒 in Thebes π“Œ€π“π“Š–. He is mentioned as early as the Pyramid texts, but he didn’t rise to importance until the 11th Dynasty. However, Montu’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± importance waned beginning in the 12th Dynasty as Amun π“‡‹π“ π“ˆ–π“€­ rose to power in the Theban region. However, Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…± wasn’t forgotten because Thutmosis III 𓅝𓄠𓋴(who was quite the general/military leader) frequently compared himself to Montu π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±!

The word β€œhotep/htp π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ” translates to the word β€œsatisfied” or β€œcontent.” The word β€œhotep/htp π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ” can also mean β€œoffering” or β€œpeace!”

So the name π“‚‹π“ˆ– Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ means β€œMontu is satisfied” or β€œMontu is content.”

Reading Hieroglyphs

Montuhotep II – Throne Name Cartouche

π“‡³π“ŽŸπ“Š€ – Nebhapetra

This raised relief is originally from Montuhotep II’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri. This relief was part of one of the main areas of the temple π“‰Ÿπ“π“‰ that was added at the end of Montuhotep’s π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ reign π“‹Ύ. This dates the relief to c. 2010–2000 B.C.E. (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11).

Let’s read some hieroglyphs π“ŠΉπ“Œƒπ“ͺ!

While Montuhotep π“ π“ˆ–π“Ώπ“…±π“Š΅π“π“Šͺ is his birth name π“‚‹π“ˆ–, the cartouche we are looking at is his throne name π“‚‹π“ˆ–!

π“‡³π“ŽŸπ“Š€ – Nebhapetra

Let’s look even closer at the individual glyphs!
𓇳 – Ra
π“ŽŸ – β€œNeb” (nb)
π“Š€ – β€œHapet” (αΈ«rw or αΈ₯jpt)

Most of the time when you have a three 𓏼 symbol throne name, the glyphs are read middle, right/bottom, and then top/left. The symbol for Ra 𓇳 is written first but said last, due to honorific transposition! Basically, out of respect for the god π“ŠΉ, their name π“‚‹π“ˆ– is written first!

In English (and other languages like Italian) we have something similar to this – we say β€œten dollars” but write it as β€œdollars ten” – $10!